Numbers 6:22-27 – A Blessing for You

Read Numbers 6:22-27

“Then God said to Moses,” is such a full statement in and of itself. The word “then” suggests something particular has happened before this moment. The mere thought of God speaking to a human like this is another whole story to unpack. And God’s choice to give this message to Moses for his own brother and family. That is a lot for just one sentence.

What God told Moses to tell his brother Aaron becomes something beautiful we can all be blessed by. God meant it here to be a priestly blessing for Aaron and his sons to give to the people, themselves included. God knows the job of priest is not for the faint of heart and will take great devotion and sacrifice. More than ever, they themselves will need to cling to these words of blessing. Continue reading “Numbers 6:22-27 – A Blessing for You”

1 Chronicles 10:1-14 – Unfaithful Saul

Read 1 Chronicles 10:1-14

The story of Israel’s kings begins with Saul. You’ll recall the genealogies ended with reference to Saul’s family. But right before that the Chronicler had been speaking about those returning from Exile. To get our “bearings,” so to speak, this reading goes back many generations from the time of those returning from exile.

There’s a lot more to Saul’s story that can be read in 1 Samuel. The Chronicler glosses over Saul’s life, but in terms of lineage, we’ve been told Saul was descended from the tribe of Benjamin, Jacob’s youngest son.

In this passage, we see Saul under attack by the Philistines. This rivalry had been ongoing but now turns deadly for Israel’s leadership. The Israel people find themselves without a king or an heir to the throne. How did God let this happen?

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Zechariah 8:9-19 – Source of Blessing

Read Zechariah 8:9-19

Zechariah’s message reminds the people of God’s love with a tangible example and a promise. The people can see the construction efforts on the new temple as they are returning from exile. We’ve also heard how the remnant returnees experienced poor profit on their crops and other financial stressors. This message says, “those days are over.”

Soon, the people will start to see all the bounty God promises. After years in exile, these words would have been even more precious and comforting. But the people still needed to listen. The keys to success were being spoken through God’s prophets. How would the people respond to how God was moving?

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Haggai 2:10-19 – Receive God’s Blessing

Read Haggai 2:10-19

The Book of Haggai gets specific with its dates more than most Bible prophets. If I were to receive a word from God to share with people like Haggai, I’d want to memorialize the encounter by keeping track of what date that miracle took place. Knowing the date confirms “when” God spoke and makes it easier to remember and celebrate! Like having a birthday – we intentionally celebrate that on a specific date.

God wants us to celebrate him so that he can celebrate us. This prophecy would suggest that God is looking at our actions as well as our inner souls. When is the last time you celebrated God? Maybe you can look back and see his fingerprints over a particular situation. I do that all the time and stand amazed.

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