Read Numbers 6:22-27
“Then God said to Moses,” is such a full statement in and of itself. The word “then” suggests something particular has happened before this moment. The mere thought of God speaking to a human like this is another whole story to unpack. And God’s choice to give this message to Moses for his own brother and family. That is a lot for just one sentence.
What God told Moses to tell his brother Aaron becomes something beautiful we can all be blessed by. God meant it here to be a priestly blessing for Aaron and his sons to give to the people, themselves included. God knows the job of priest is not for the faint of heart and will take great devotion and sacrifice. More than ever, they themselves will need to cling to these words of blessing.
Maybe you’re in a place right now in need of this blessing. I suppose those needing this blessing are just about everyone on the planet. There are some that already claim this blessing in their lives. Some of us are grateful for the reminder of hope these verses bring.
Did you have a favorite of the three blessing verses? For me, the second, “May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.” Don’t we all want to please God? To ask for him to smile on us suggests he’d be pleased. The gracious part is also a great benefit because God knows I mess up a bunch, and I’m sure I’m not alone.
Sin is one of those problems we all have. Our gracious God has taken care of that for us. How can we not feel at peace when we remember we are God’s children, his precious ones just like the people of Israel were hearing this blessing from Aaron and his sons.
Verse 27 brings up an interesting point for discussion or reflection. “Whenever Aaron and his sons bless the people of Israel in my name, I myself will bless them.” God will be listening for those “in my name” prayers so he can take action as he promises. If you ever wondered why people close prayers with “In Jesus’ name,” this could be the text that explains it. The answer is because God promises to answer those prayers. We want to expect God’s answers, don’t we?
Read this short prayer of blessing once again but close your eyes after each of these verses–24, 25, and 26. Imagine the God of the universe saying that to you directly. Powerful. Remember the words were from God originally and have just passed down a few hands before reaching our ears. Who do you know that needs to hear this blessing?
It’s hard not to smile when you read this text in this way. That smile wells up from a sense of worth that only God’s love can create. Even in the low moments, God is holding you and preparing you for flight. This prayer calls for peace, and that peace can still a lot of fears.
Take this peace of God into your quiet time today. Let the Lord’s peace just comfort you and invigorate you in just the right way.
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for how you send your peace at just the right time. In this chaotic world, there is so much peace in coming before you, reading your Word, and listening for your voice. Thank you for this priestly blessing and how it refreshes my soul. Your promises are always true, and I trust you with my life. Help me to make the right choices and always look to you as the leader of my life. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.