Luke 3:7-18 – John’s Message

Read Luke 3:7-18

We met John in our last Advent reading. His preaching was certainly no nonsense as he prepared the people to meet Jesus. By this time, Jesus was all grown up. You may recall earlier in Luke when John’s mother, Elizabeth, was visited by Jesus’ mother, Mary, while pregnant with Jesus. Even while in his mother’s womb, John couldn’t stay still in Jesus’ presence. John could sense even then that Jesus was someone to be honored and celebrated.

How does John describe Jesus in this passage? As someone “greater than I am—so much greater that I’m not even worthy to be his slave and untie the straps of his sandals.” Imagine having grown up as cousins with Jesus, the Messiah. For others to be ready to meet the Messiah, the people needed to act. Here, John gives them tangible examples of changes they should make to be ready for Jesus. Continue reading “Luke 3:7-18 – John’s Message”

Christmas 🕍 Luke 2:25-35 – Faith

Read Luke 2:25-35

Can you imagine having received the message Simeon had, giving him the assurance he would see the Messiah before he died? Many had been waiting for the Messiah to come rescue them. It had been hundreds of years since the prophets had foretold a Messiah would come. In Simeon’s day, the Roman oppression was so great the people were anxiously awaiting the day their Messiah king would powerfully come to save them.

Simeon’s faith is commendable. Amidst the struggles of life under Roman control, and the natural aging process our bodies go through, Simeon never lost hope. He had faith in God’s promise. It seems as if his faith was the fuel that sustained Simeon through each day of waiting.

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Christmas 🙏 Luke 2:1-7 – Obedience

Read Luke 2:1-7

The Christmas story never gets old. I know people that play Christmas music year round just because of the hope it brings. There is something indescribably special about the miracle of Christ’s incarnation. Knowing that God loved us that much to send his son into this world can leave you speechless if you let it. All our hopes and dreams can be met by that darling infant King.

But the Christmas story is more than the hope and promise of salvation. We shouldn’t be surprised that there are multiple layers of blessing and wisdom we can glean from this story. The lesson we’ll focus on today is Obedience.

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Luke 24:1-12 – An Empty Tomb

Read Luke 24:1-12

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!

I love how Luke’s version of this magnificent story puts the women at the tomb. After all, the last scene closed with them preparing the burial spices and then waiting. They must have been longing for more time with their friend, Jesus, even if he was no longer alive.

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Luke 23:56 – While We Wait

Read Luke 23:56

Jesus has died. His body has been carefully laid in Joseph’s new tomb. The women know where that is, and they hurry now to prepare the burial spices. But it’s too late now since the Sabbath is about to begin. They are going to have to wait. I can just imagine how hard it was for them to wait. Even a few hours would make a big difference in the decay of a corpse. Still, their tradition would have them wait.

They didn’t know to be waiting for the resurrection. We have that knowledge, and yet we are still in a waiting pattern, aren’t we? Our wait to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning is only a short wait. But the wait we have for Jesus’ promised return is much longer. How long, we have no idea. We just need to patiently wait with faithful expectation.

Continue reading “Luke 23:56 – While We Wait”

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