Romans 3:23 – Don’t Deny It

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” (Romans 3:23)

There is no denying it. This verse calls us out as we are included in the “everyone” Paul is referring to. What have we done? We have sinned and fallen short of God’s hope for us. Remembering we’re not perfect keeps us honest and keen on realizing we need a Savior. That’s why this memory verse is so powerful.

Context: Paul’s instructions to the Romans in this chapter center around the sinful tendencies of humankind. Paul is quick to remind us that Jesus took our punishment. We can be made right with God not by keeping the law but because of Jesus. This is a key section of Scripture, and this verse is right there in the midst of it. Continue reading “Romans 3:23 – Don’t Deny It”

Ezra 9:1-15 – Cry Out to God

Read Ezra 9:1-15

Have you ever been in Ezra’s shoes, totally disgusted with the sinful behaviors surrounding you? It’s hard to not become embarrassed by the way some people choose to live their lives. This frustration is nothing new. The people God has created have a long history of making bad choices. Remember Adam and Eve?

Ezra chose to take his anguish to God in prayer. As if to apologize for all mankind, Ezra speaks of polluted holy race. Clearly the implications of intermarriage in Ezra’s day, and for generations before, amplified the chasm of sin keeping people for experiencing God’s best for them. What would Adam and Eve’s lives looked like if they had resisted the serpent’s cleverness? What would the Israelite people have looked like had they not intermarried people who distracted them from God’s laws?

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Zechariah 8:9-19 – Source of Blessing

Read Zechariah 8:9-19

Zechariah’s message reminds the people of God’s love with a tangible example and a promise. The people can see the construction efforts on the new temple as they are returning from exile. We’ve also heard how the remnant returnees experienced poor profit on their crops and other financial stressors. This message says, “those days are over.”

Soon, the people will start to see all the bounty God promises. After years in exile, these words would have been even more precious and comforting. But the people still needed to listen. The keys to success were being spoken through God’s prophets. How would the people respond to how God was moving?

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Jonah 3:1-10 – Are You Ready?

Read Jonah 3:1-10

We don’t see people today wearing burlap as a sign of cleansing and repentance. But in Jonah’s time, it would have been amazing to see, even the king, listening and responding to the warning from God. What Jonah proclaimed was destruction. He didn’t give them an “unless.” That is, Nineveh will be destroyed unless you repent! But the people showed their respect, and their tears of sorrow melted God’s heart.

It was quite unexpected to see the people of Nineveh believing God’s word. I think of the Israelites who went on and on living their idol worshipping lives despite the efforts of Jeremiah, for example. He told them to repent because their worship of other gods angered the one true God.

Continue reading “Jonah 3:1-10 – Are You Ready?”

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