Read Ezra 9:1-15
Have you ever been in Ezra’s shoes, totally disgusted with the sinful behaviors surrounding you? It’s hard to not become embarrassed by the way some people choose to live their lives. This frustration is nothing new. The people God has created have a long history of making bad choices. Remember Adam and Eve?
Ezra chose to take his anguish to God in prayer. As if to apologize for all mankind, Ezra speaks of polluted holy race. Clearly the implications of intermarriage in Ezra’s day, and for generations before, amplified the chasm of sin keeping people for experiencing God’s best for them. What would Adam and Eve’s lives looked like if they had resisted the serpent’s cleverness? What would the Israelite people have looked like had they not intermarried people who distracted them from God’s laws?
Even today, we don’t have to marry someone of a different heritage to be tempted by sin. In today’s society we not only have newspapers, television, etc., but we have social media where misinformation is continuously delivered. It’s a network thriving with lies and distractions that keep us from seeing the truth. That truth is what God reveals to us in Scripture.
In Ezra’s day, the people were being blinded to the truth by the customs and beliefs of the indigenous people. God hadn’t wiped out all nations, so they faced temptation. God hoped his people would learn from their mistakes. This time, God’s people had a chance to stay connected to God and perhaps even convert those living in the land to follow their awesome God.
Who do you resemble most from our passage? Ezra in his cry of despair. The people living with and fighting off temptations. Those who have turned away from God but don’t even realize it happened. The Jewish leaders wondering what they can do to fix this mess.
Think of ways you can make a difference and shine your light on the truth of Scripture. It all starts with prayer.

Let’s pray. Father God, how blessed you are when your people return to you. It’s so hard to look around and see the corruption that seems to be permeating so many areas of life. If it breaks my heart, I’m sure your heart is in pieces. Help me to stand strong on your truth. Help me not to waver or fall prey to the evil one’s schemes to get me off course. Thank you for your faithfulness in which I can trust. I know you will never leave me or abandon me. Help me to shine my light so others will see the truth they can rely on is you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.