Ezra 8:24-36 – By God’s Gracious Hand

hand of a statue reaching toward you

Read Ezra 8:24-36

Ezra likes lists. I like lists because they keep me organized. For Ezra to take on such a big mission, being organized would certainly be a good attribute to have. This reading lets us know who did what and more about their responsibilities during this transition or rebirth of a people. The hand of God played a huge role in the success of this mission back to Jerusalem!

God was giving his people a second chance to love him and live honorably following the laws given to Moses. This whole return had been orchestrated by God, even down to the last gold bowl and who was responsible to get it to Jerusalem. Was I the only one that still ponders how you move 24 tons of silver? Tons!

What else may have surprised you? Arriving in August, after leaving in April (see Ezra 7), they only rested three days.  Where did they rest? What did they do with all the goods for those three days? This would have been a huge group of people descending on the city at the same time. It must have been quite a spectacle. Ezra chooses not to focus on these details, so I’ll try not to be so logistically focused!

What we should take away is the magnitude of God’s love. His hand is upon these people for a purpose. These are God’s recruits chosen to rebuild the earthly kingdom, including the temple, God’s residence on earth. These descendants had been given a gift. A chance to live a life dedicated to God. Their ancestors had failed at this, landing them in the land of exile (after many warnings I might add – see my writings on Isaiah and Jeremiah!).

Now Ezra’s work is about to begin. Like herding cats, Ezra’s job will not be easy to keep the people focused on God. After all, they are sinful beings, and evil is in the world.

Same is true for us today. It’s hard to stay true to God when the evil of this world seems to be pulling us in the other direction. How do you stand firm in your faith? Do you have an “Ezra” in your life that is keeping you on task with your faith?

We should all have those trusted sources we can turn to when we have questions of faith, when our values are questioned, or when we feel abandoned because of our beliefs. When we surround ourselves by such people, it helps us not feel so alone. There is nothing like camaraderie and being on the same page with other believers when it comes to issues of faith. It’s like breathing a breath of fresh air.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Father God, thank you for how your hand of protection continues to watch over me. I’ll never know how many blows from the evil one you have diverted, but I thank you for each one. Continue to help me draw closer to you and be a good example for those around me. Thank you for the example of serving that Ezra gives. I give you my heart. Use me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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