Numbers 18:1-32 – Serving God

Read Numbers 18:1-32

I really admire Moses and Aaron for their leadership. We’ve been reading about how unappreciated they were due to jealousies and misunderstandings. Thankfully God was there to fight their battles. In our text today, God’s words further set out the divine expectations and regulations that Aaron as priest, and Moses as a Levite, must live by. Do you think they felt honored by God’s provision?

There had to be a lot of pressure to do the right thing. Can you imagine if Aaron and his descendants mishandled anything they had been entrusted, death could result for them and anyone else involved? It’s hard for us to fully grasp the responsibility they were given because our way of doing things today is so much different. Continue reading “Numbers 18:1-32 – Serving God”

Numbers 8:1-26 – Make Ready for Service

Read Numbers 8:1-26

The attention to detail is commendable. It would seem setting the lampstands appropriately was the final preparatory task before the ceremony installing and blessing the Levites, preparing them for service. You may recall how God directed Moses to install the priests back in Leviticus 8. For the Levites, it less intense, but there was still ritual involved.

In this ceremony, the Levites were recognized for the job that they would carry out for the Israelites. God had chosen the Levites for these special duties, and the rest of the tribes were in attendance to witness this time of installation. Continue reading “Numbers 8:1-26 – Make Ready for Service”

Ezra 8:24-36 – By God’s Gracious Hand

Read Ezra 8:24-36

Ezra likes lists. I like lists because they keep me organized. For Ezra to take on such a big mission, being organized would certainly be a good attribute to have. This reading lets us know who did what and more about their responsibilities during this transition or rebirth of a people. The hand of God played a huge role in the success of this mission back to Jerusalem!

God was giving his people a second chance to love him and live honorably following the laws given to Moses. This whole return had been orchestrated by God, even down to the last gold bowl and who was responsible to get it to Jerusalem. Was I the only one that still ponders how you move 24 tons of silver? Tons!

Continue reading “Ezra 8:24-36 – By God’s Gracious Hand”

Ezra 4:1-5 – Stay on Track

Read Ezra 4:1-5

Can our enemies also worship our God? That’s a good question. Maybe we should explore what makes someone our enemy? For me, it would be anyone who doesn’t believe as I do who is trying to harm me or distract me from my mission. With that understanding, I don’t think my enemies would be Christians who love Jesus.

The enemies discussed in our reading were giving good “lip service” to those working on the temple. Their attempts to trick the workers in believing they could also be worshiping the LORD failed. The help they offered as a lure was also rejected.

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1 Peter 5:1-7 – Passing the Torch

Read 1 Peter 5:1-7

Peter concludes this letter and passes the torch, so to speak, to the other elders in his audience. Peter’s words, “Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you,” are similar to the charge Jesus himself had given Peter after the resurrection. Jesus had told Peter in John’s gospel to “Feed my sheep,” referring to his own flock of believers. This letter is evidence that Peter did just as Jesus said.

When I think of an “elder,” I think of someone who has been a Christ follower for a long time and experienced many of God’s life-changing moments. In the context of Peter’s letter, the term “elder” signifies the leaders of the church to whom people look to for an example of faithfulness.

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