Ezra 4:1-5 – Stay on Track

father and son walking into sunset on a train track

Read Ezra 4:1-5

Can our enemies also worship our God? That’s a good question. Maybe we should explore what makes someone our enemy? For me, it would be anyone who doesn’t believe as I do who is trying to harm me or distract me from my mission. With that understanding, I don’t think my enemies would be Christians who love Jesus.

The enemies discussed in our reading were giving good “lip service” to those working on the temple. Their attempts to trick the workers in believing they could also be worshiping the LORD failed. The help they offered as a lure was also rejected.

I’m proud of those Israelites standing up for themselves like that. They saw through the “cooperative” spirit that tried to distract them. They were intent on completing the project themselves using the resources they chose. They were showing obedience to God and reverence for the important project they had been tasked with completing.

This whole scene made me think of times when I have lost my focus on a project for one reason or another. In general, those abandoned projects are usually because some better offer came along enticing me to lose my strong intention. If it was a person causing that derailment, by my definition, I should have recognized the enemy at work.

Satan is also an enemy we must fight daily. Many of Satan’s attempts will seem good and beneficial on the surface. That’s why we need to be especially vigilant. We can arm ourselves with the Word of God and tap into the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and power. We are certainly never alone to fend for ourselves, but it is up to us to be watching.

2 Timothy 3:12 tells us believers we will face our foes. “Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” When we expect them, we don’t let them hinder us or get us off course. It should be our desire to stay on track when it comes to our faith journey.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Father God, forgive me when I get distracted and fall for Satan’s attempts to trick me. Help me to stand strong. I want to always be growing closer to you and behave in ways that please and honor you. Thank you for providing for me and rescuing me when I am weak. Prepare me for the mission you have called me to today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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