Read Ezra 3:7-13
Have you ever been part of a building project? Maybe you built your own home or worked for a company that broke ground for a new office complex. Interestingly, my husband David and I have been part of three huge building projects for three different congregations during his time of ministry in the United States. Now, I’m part of another large building project here in Mexico for the orphanage where I serve.
Construction projects take time and lots of planning. The coordination that goes into each facet of the design and implementation still boggles my mind. It’s with this background that I come to this text. If you’ve never been involved in any construction, suffice it to say that it’s a big deal. I can’t imagine what it would have been like in ancient times without all the conveniences we now have.
What struck me most in this passage was how the people are working together. Sure, they brought in some experts (masons and carpenters), but the people returning from exile are the ones doing the heavy construction labor. We don’t hear any grumbling or discontent. The people seem to be focused on pleasing God. It’s so refreshing to see that the unity theme is spilling over, years into the project.
We see some parallels to the building of the first temple. In particular, the type of wood and its source, as well as how the people paid for these resources. Fun fact: The cedar tree (cedrus libani) is the national emblem of Lebanon. It is a symbol of resilience, strength, and eternal life.
God is moving in his people. That is the key take away here. The temple itself may not be as magnificent as Solomon’s original temple was. That could be why the older people were saddened by what was being built to replace it. The bigger picture is how the people respond to God.
They are showing unity and a strong desire to honor God. Their motivation seemed God-focused and not so focused on self. This new temple for the Lord is being built out of love and devotion. This had to be a high point for God as well to see his people responding in this way. After so many years of disobedience and selfish living, God’s children seemed to finally understand the relationship God desired from them.
Don’t forget God desires a relationship with you, too!

Let’s pray. Father God. I love that you want to be in a relationship with me. Forgive me for the times when I focus on my own way. I want my life to please you. Refresh me today and open my eyes to the possibilities that lie before me. Use me to gather people together and unify them to love you more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.