Read Numbers 8:1-26
The attention to detail is commendable. It would seem setting the lampstands appropriately was the final preparatory task before the ceremony installing and blessing the Levites, preparing them for service. You may recall how God directed Moses to install the priests back in Leviticus 8. For the Levites, it less intense, but there was still ritual involved.
In this ceremony, the Levites were recognized for the job that they would carry out for the Israelites. God had chosen the Levites for these special duties, and the rest of the tribes were in attendance to witness this time of installation.
Can you think of any present-day examples of when people are recognized and empowered for a certain task? I think of how we ordain pastors, install church leadership, and organize prayer-filled sendoffs for people leaving on mission trips. In each case, the people are being set aside for their calling and blessed on their way. The Levite’s preparation seems a little more intense.
I think of the United States awaiting the new president’s inauguration in a few weeks. Other countries, like Mexico where I live, have had similar changes in power recently, necessitating an installation process for the new leader. Such events set the tone for how countries will fare.
In any event, when given a position of authority, it is good practice to make sure the leader is set up well for success. To have God’s blessing like the Levites did would certainly have been empowering.
Think of the last leadership role you were given. Was there some sort of installation or recognition event so that people would recognize you as the authority? Or perhaps you were just expected to jump in feet first and get to work. Whether there was pomp and circumstance to prepare you, you can always tap into God’s power to make things happen. Even if your role is in a secular setting.
I always appreciate seeing people acting in accordance with God’s command and desire. Again, as we see in Leviticus and Numbers, as Moses is setting roles in play, people are following along. We don’t see complaining or questioning going on. That’s the way it should be when we’re working together to promote kingdom purposes.
The purposes of Aaron and the Levites were to please and serve God. Their work, as we’ve heard it described in other passages, is not for the faint of heart. Being equipped and ready is what we see happening here.
When we recognize our leaders and pray for them in their service, we help prepare them for their work. What leaders do you pray for regularly?
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for how you have prepared me to serve you. I look forward to each opportunity you present me to point people back to you. Forgive me when I miss out because of some other distraction in my life. I do pray for leaders around the world, that they would come to a find a relationship with you. Thank you for all provisions and gifts you have given me to share with others. You are the one that matters, not the world. Keep me focused and alert. In Jesus’ name. Amen.