Read 1 Peter 5:1-7
Peter concludes this letter and passes the torch, so to speak, to the other elders in his audience. Peter’s words, “Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you,” are similar to the charge Jesus himself had given Peter after the resurrection. Jesus had told Peter in John’s gospel to “Feed my sheep,” referring to his own flock of believers. This letter is evidence that Peter did just as Jesus said.
When I think of an “elder,” I think of someone who has been a Christ follower for a long time and experienced many of God’s life-changing moments. In the context of Peter’s letter, the term “elder” signifies the leaders of the church to whom people look to for an example of faithfulness.
Whether you’re part of the flock or the shepherd here on earth, you need to be nurtured. Being given charge of a flock of believers is quite an honor but the responsibility is immense. Peter was quick to intimate leadership is not for the faint of heart when he said, “Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God.”
Would you describe yourself as “eagerly” serving God? Why or why not? Perhaps you’re still one of the flock being groomed for service as an “elder.” Peter has words for those who are still young. In Peter’s day, the idea of being a Christian was still a new concept for Jews and Gentiles alike. The elders Peter addresses are more likely older, presumably wiser, folks. Peter wants to make sure the younger believers respect the older ones, so long as the older ones are acting in respectful ways.
Peter quotes one of Solomon’s proverbs as it relates to the counsel to the younger ones. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” When we humble ourselves, we receive God’s grace. Our actions will please God. This wisdom is for leaders and elders, too. Nobody wants to follow someone who is arrogant and proud. There’s a lot bigger chance for harmony when everyone is full of grace!
Verse 7 is one of my favorite verses. I wish I had known it when I was a young mother worrying about every little peep that came out of my newborn. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” It says to give all your worries and cares to God. The trick is to not take them back and start worrying again!
How did Peter’s attempts to build and encourage a community of believers impact you or your own faith journey? We’ve dealt with some pretty deep, theological themes in this letter. Take some time to take a quick look back to see what Peter thought was important to share with the community of believers.
Let’s pray. Father God, help me encourage others struggling in their faith. Open up conversations and opportunities to share my own journey with others. Help me never be proud or boastful; I realize I am nothing without you. I bow down and bring you the concerns of my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.