Read 1 Peter 5:8-9
Too often we let ourselves be blinded to the work of the enemy among us. We stop being vigilant. In these final words of Peter, he is talking about that “elephant in the room” we all try to ignore. Evil. The more we ignore the evil one or look the other way, the more he takes a grip on our lives.
“Stay alert!” is Peter’s cry. I’ve been amazed at how when watching a television program or movie produced within the last couple years how many things I see as contradictory to the Christian life and God’s word. Decades ago, people were upset when swearing became commonplace in these entertainment mediums. Today, we can become immune to hearing that kind of language. That’s only a small fraction of what we should be appalled by. Peter told us to “stay alert,” to not forget about God’s desire for us.
On the other hand, I’ve been delighted by the surge in quality, faith-based films in recent days. I am so thankful for the visionary leadership in those film companies to make sure the truth is still told. Even so, it takes the Holy Spirit to convict and impress upon the population to pay attention and accept these life-changing messages.
Here, Peter reminds us to open our eyes to see how evil is lurking and destroying at an alarming rate. He also encourages us by telling us we’re not alone. Believers all over the world are struggling with the shift toward darkness in our society. Does it help you “feel better” knowing it’s not just you who is troubled by what is becoming “mainstream” in our society?
What do we do about it? Peter suggests we stand firm and “be strong in your faith.” We do that by connecting with other believers, reading God’s word for clarity from the Holy Spirit, and spending time in conversation with God. It seems to me that no having faith will eventually leave people feeling lost and hopeless. At the moment, those same people are living in a bubble of lies, believing their own power is sufficient. Society is too focused on self and feeling marginalized or judged. Where is the loving attitude toward our neighbors and desire to please God in all we say and do?
As believers, we trust that God is in control. Peter suggests, and we are witness to, how evil is prowling around waiting to pounce. God allows that to happen in this world. We know that. The Bible has given us the book of Job to show us how God allows horrendous things to happen to those to love him. Looking at the life of the apostle Paul is another Biblical example of bad things happening to God’s people.
Rather than give in to evil’s temptations that lure us, we need to be alert and not look the other way. God gives us the choice of what we think and how we act or respond to our situation. Remember there are other faithful ones experiencing the same abuse for their devotion to Jesus. Personally, I’d gladly be ridiculed in this world to receive honor from our loving Father.
In addition to fellow believers, you are never alone because the Holy Spirit is with you. You have access to the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. When is the last time you thought about that?
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you stand strong in your faith when you feel weak.

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for turning a blind eye to all the corruption in this world. It is too easy to be overcome with emotion and lament how broken this world is. Thank you that you stand with me to help me be strong in my faith. May I lean into you and allow your wisdom to lead me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.