Job 21:1-34 – A Different Viewpoint

Read Job 21:1-34

Job’s friends talk of the curse of wickedness as a wakeup call to get Job to repent. Job sees it differently. Job sees the wicked living what appear to be abundant lives. His friends want to put Job in the camp of the wicked, assuming that is why he is being punished. Those arguments only lead Job into more confusion.

I agree with Job. When we look around at the godless, wicked people of our day, we don’t see doom and gloom. What do we see? We see successful people, people living without a care in the world. Like Job observes, they think their good fortune is because of their own doing. The wicked don’t know or even acknowledge God. Yet their lives look idyllic. Continue reading “Job 21:1-34 – A Different Viewpoint”

Nehemiah 13:1-31 – Reforms Already?

Read Nehemiah 13:1-31

There are some timing issues in this final chapter that often confound the reader, wondering in what order things are happening. Our last reading so positively set the stage for how life would be in Jerusalem. Now Nehemiah swoops in to shake some sense into the Israelites who must have quickly forgotten their purpose.

It’s almost like “when the cat’s away, the mice will play.” Nehemiah had returned to Babylon like he had promised the king before he left for Jerusalem. Nehemiah must have gotten word that the people in Jerusalem were struggling. His faithful leadership was needed again!

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Nehemiah 6:1-14 – Intimidation

Read Nehemiah 6:1-14

What intimidates you? Maybe it’s speaking in front of groups, handling an overbearing boss, or volunteering to work with children at church. Those types of intimidation are more self-imposed by some fear or anxiety. Whereas Nehemiah is being intimidated by people who feel threatened by him and God’s people. As their governor, Nehemiah is a prime target to face all sorts of challenges.

We’ve seen how Nehemiah is a godly man devoted to God. He has listened to God’s call on his life, which includes his mission to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem. Nehemiah is also intent on leading God’s people to follow the laws of Moses.

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Zechariah 5:5-11 – Wickedness Contained

Read Zechariah 5:5-11

Another interesting vision to contemplate, brought to us by the prophet, Zechariah. This time he sees a bushel basket full of wickedness. I love the creativity God uses to make his intentions known. He doesn’t just use words! So, what message did this vision bring to you?

Did you find it interesting that wickedness was personified as a woman? In chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, John sees evil as the “great prostitute.” Now I have a picture of that woman in the container! And then, out of nowhere, two women with long, graceful wings enter the scene to take the wicked one away into the clouds. Without any explanation, such a vision would be a bit unsettling. We’re not given much enlightenment either.

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2 Peter 2:1-3 – False Teachers

Read 2 Peter 2:1-3

Peter had no doubt witnessed false teachers at work trying to confuse people and twist the truth. Heresies have plagued the church for centuries. Such deceivers are alive and well today, too. And God is watching. These inaccurate messages are not being ignored by God.

And God is not pleased with the messengers of those heresies. Their fate is set, and they don’t even know it. As Peter says, “they will bring sudden destruction on themselves.” Their deceitful actions and teachings full of lies will catch up to them. We can rest in that assurance at least.

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