Read 2 Peter 2:1-3
Peter had no doubt witnessed false teachers at work trying to confuse people and twist the truth. Heresies have plagued the church for centuries. Such deceivers are alive and well today, too. And God is watching. These inaccurate messages are not being ignored by God.
And God is not pleased with the messengers of those heresies. Their fate is set, and they don’t even know it. As Peter says, “they will bring sudden destruction on themselves.” Their deceitful actions and teachings full of lies will catch up to them. We can rest in that assurance at least.
In the meantime, what happens to the people hearing these false teachings? Peter didn’t want to imagine their fate, so he sought to warn them. These crafty deceivers will deliver teachings that are attractive and easy to buy into.
As Christians, we need to be vigilant in watching out for people trying to shift our thinking and go against Scripture. We’ve all seen real life examples of how false teachers among us are seeking to take control. These might include (1) hearing a “watered-down gospel” being preached in our churches, and while “popular” it avoids speaking of repentance and trusting in Christ’s death and resurrection; (2) teaching a “prosperity” gospel that makes people feel good and enriches the preacher; and (3) encouraging believers to adopt “woke” values in place of Biblical teaching.
The ingratitude and disrespect for God makes me just want to weep. Peter said it like this: “the way of truth will be slandered.” How do you respond when you hear people attacking the Bible or those who trust it for life?
Peter had you in mind when he wrote this warning. Satan tightens his grip on the world, continuing to have a field day with us weak humans who are too proud or ignorant to know we need a Savior. Thankfully, we have God’s word and Peter’s counsel to arm ourselves.
Cultural norms and fads have a numbing effect on people, just as if they are the false teacher we pay attention to. No words need to even be spoken. How immune are you to this type of “teaching” or brainwashing? When is the last time you “accommodated” someone lost in their sinful behavior because that’s what society accepts. For instance, you overlook your friend’s drinking because at least they’re not out killing someone.
False teachers and false teachings encourage and empower people to rebel and turn from God. What are you doing to help those who don’t know any better find the truth?

Let’s pray. Lord, there is so much bad information out there and people with agendas that are contrary to your will. Help me stand strong against the lies and shut out the noise trying to get me off track. I want to bathe in your tender mercy to revive my soul so I can be used to help cleanse this world. Lord, forgive me for the times I have broken your heart when stuck in my sin. Thank you for loving and forgiving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.