Numbers 18:1-32 – Serving God

Read Numbers 18:1-32

I really admire Moses and Aaron for their leadership. We’ve been reading about how unappreciated they were due to jealousies and misunderstandings. Thankfully God was there to fight their battles. In our text today, God’s words further set out the divine expectations and regulations that Aaron as priest, and Moses as a Levite, must live by. Do you think they felt honored by God’s provision?

There had to be a lot of pressure to do the right thing. Can you imagine if Aaron and his descendants mishandled anything they had been entrusted, death could result for them and anyone else involved? It’s hard for us to fully grasp the responsibility they were given because our way of doing things today is so much different. Continue reading “Numbers 18:1-32 – Serving God”

Leviticus 10:8-20 – Priestly Conduct

Read Leviticus 10:8-20

After the tragedy in our last reading, having more details about proper priestly conduct is helpful to those priests just learning their jobs. Thankfully the mistake caught in this reading became only a teachable moment, and Aaron’s response of remorse satisfied Moses.

The key here for the priests is discernment. The LORD says directly to Aaron, “You must distinguish between what is sacred and what is common, between what is ceremonially unclean and what is clean.” If only Aaron’s other two sons had made a better choice about the incense, a non-sacred item they brought to the sacrificial process. We’ll get to the clean and unclean discussion very soon. Continue reading “Leviticus 10:8-20 – Priestly Conduct”

Ecclesiastes 10:5-20 – Possibilities in Life

Read Ecclesiastes 10:5-20

Solomon’s observations here tend to be from the “glass half empty” mentality. He’s got a negative slant to some “possibilities” in life. In general, we’ve noticed how being apart from God has skewed Solomon’s thinking. Having been given wisdom, he really must struggle with what he sees happening or expects could happen.

Of course, if you dig a well, we all know there is a “possibility” you may fall in. I’m afraid of heights, so even the depth of a well would make me queasy if I got too close. The fear of falling would be great enough for me to keep me from wanting to dig a hole in the first place! Is Solomon talking about something “bigger” than a well?

Continue reading “Ecclesiastes 10:5-20 – Possibilities in Life”

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