1 Chronicles 21:1-17 – Satan is Sly

Read 1 Chronicles 21:1-17

Many different characters in today’s reading were affected by Satan’s sly move to divert David’s attention away from God’s will. David was tempted and later repented. Joab was troubled because he knew what he was doing was wrong. Gad brought God’s message of punishment. And thousands of people lost their lives in the plague.

Satan was successful despite David being devoted to God. David’s lapse in judgment was Satan’s opening to bring even more destruction and despair. No wonder we see God’s fury unleashed.

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Ecclesiastes 10:5-20 – Possibilities in Life

Read Ecclesiastes 10:5-20

Solomon’s observations here tend to be from the “glass half empty” mentality. He’s got a negative slant to some “possibilities” in life. In general, we’ve noticed how being apart from God has skewed Solomon’s thinking. Having been given wisdom, he really must struggle with what he sees happening or expects could happen.

Of course, if you dig a well, we all know there is a “possibility” you may fall in. I’m afraid of heights, so even the depth of a well would make me queasy if I got too close. The fear of falling would be great enough for me to keep me from wanting to dig a hole in the first place! Is Solomon talking about something “bigger” than a well?

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Ecclesiastes 8:9-17 – Good versus Evil

Read Ecclesiastes 8:9-17

Solomon’s laments are familiar to us. We have more than likely at some time in our life wondered why the people who lie, cheat, and do wicked things are alive and well, and even prosperous. Yet, our reward for doing good and striving to be more like Jesus has left us being abused by society while stretching every cent to pay the bills.

The evil one’s plan is masterful. He’s trying to make the grass look greener over on the other side, the wicked side. If we are experiencing oppression for our faith or just hearing of others going through such ridicule, the lures of the evil one can be enticing. That’s why it’s so important to stand firmly on the truth of God’s word.

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Ezra 9:1-15 – Cry Out to God

Read Ezra 9:1-15

Have you ever been in Ezra’s shoes, totally disgusted with the sinful behaviors surrounding you? It’s hard to not become embarrassed by the way some people choose to live their lives. This frustration is nothing new. The people God has created have a long history of making bad choices. Remember Adam and Eve?

Ezra chose to take his anguish to God in prayer. As if to apologize for all mankind, Ezra speaks of polluted holy race. Clearly the implications of intermarriage in Ezra’s day, and for generations before, amplified the chasm of sin keeping people for experiencing God’s best for them. What would Adam and Eve’s lives looked like if they had resisted the serpent’s cleverness? What would the Israelite people have looked like had they not intermarried people who distracted them from God’s laws?

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Hebrews 3:7-19 – Enter His Rest

Read Hebrews 3:7-19

What does it mean to “enter His rest?” I initially thought it was referring to Sabbath rest, but it is not that meaning in this case. The whole idea of “rest” sounds fantastic when you’re scurrying around, trying to check off every single item on your “to-do” list. Again, this reference to rest is not laying around, binge watching Netflix in an over-stuffed chair, eating chocolate!

Our passage talks about disobedience and how that angers God. Consequences result from such behavior, to include missing out on the opportunity to enter His rest. Let’s unpack this so we can understand what we might be missing.

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