Hebrews 4:12 – God’s Word

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” (Hebrews 4:12)

Have you ever read a familiar Bible passage and had a totally new understanding or feel like you’d heard it for the first time? To me, that’s what it means when we say God’s word is “alive.” It’s a beautiful thing to receive new insights from the Holy Spirit each time we spend time in God’s Word. It’s invigorating!

Context: This memory verse comes to us near the end of a discussion on rest, God’s rest. God promised that those who believe in him would have the gift of resting with him forever. What does the placement of this declaration about God’s Word so close to “rest” tell us? Continue reading “Hebrews 4:12 – God’s Word”

Job 1:6-22 – Job’s First Test

Read Job 1:6-22

Before too much time passes, I wanted to pass on something I learned from my pastor husband, David, as I was preparing to start this reflection. An Old Testament scholar would know that the “Satan” we read about here must be taken into context. We bring a lot of “New Testament” knowledge about how evil is personified in Satan or the devil. People in Job’s time would not have that same knowledge. For them, Satan would be more of a prosecuting attorney or an accuser wanting to trip up or tempt one of God’s favorites.

Here, the accuser is pointing his finger at Job, the terrific guy who was notably God-fearing. God sure thought highly of Job as he told Satan, “He is the finest man in all the earth.” Don’t rush past that. God thought that about Job. Did Job know he pleased God that much? We are all God’s favorites, didn’t you know? Continue reading “Job 1:6-22 – Job’s First Test”

2 Chronicles 34:1-13 – Hiding or Purging?

Read 2 Chronicles 34:1-13

Here we go again. Does it feel a bit like “déjà vu?” King Josiah takes it upon himself to make sure that his kingdom is cleansed from all the pagan articles and distractions away from the one true God. We’ve seen this pattern repeat itself before. One king destroys the idols, and another rebuilds them. No wonder the people were disillusioned. The kingly leadership was never consistent.

King Josiah’s intentions were good in purifying the land once again, including the temple. Even as a young king, Josiah wasn’t afraid to make some bold moves. What do you think happened to the people who were worshiping in “pagan style?” Did they go into hiding and continue with their rituals and allegiance to false gods? Continue reading “2 Chronicles 34:1-13 – Hiding or Purging?”

2 Chronicles 9:1-12 – The Queen’s Visit

Read 2 Chronicles 9:1-12

It sounds as if Solomon hosted the Queen of Sheba with ease and grace. She had come to see for herself how wise and powerful King Solomon actually was. Interesting to imagine how news like that traveled in those days. Solomon didn’t disappoint, either. In fact, the Queen was more impressed that she imagined possible.

The Queen’s land of Sheba (or Saba) would have been on the coast of the Arabian Peninsula in present day Yemen. The Sabeans were known for as trade partners of gold and precious gems with Africa and India. The Queen was not drawn to Solomon to be a trade partner, however. She wanted to be enlightened by his great wisdom.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 9:1-12 – The Queen’s Visit”

Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:4 – How to Be Wise

Read Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:4

What do you make of the story Solomon uses here? I don’t know about you, but there are times in my life when I have felt invisible and unappreciated. Solomon doesn’t tell us anything about how the poor man felt about being overlooked. However, the people of that town surely benefitted from his wisdom which rescued them.

We should appreciate wisdom, no matter where it comes from. Why then, does the world pay more attention to the display of wealth, power, and success and not the wisdom behind it? Wouldn’t it make more sense to look at why the person achieved such greatness? Unless the successful person is simply lucky, there is something they did to attain their position.

Continue reading “Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:4 – How to Be Wise”

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