Isaiah 55:8-9 – Is God Hard to Understand?

“‘My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,’ says the Lord. ‘And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.’” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Why do we try to understand what God is thinking? This memory verse clearly sets the record straight and reminds us that God’s thoughts are beyond our comprehension. Yet, we still want to put words in God’s mouth or assume he thinks a certain way in a given situation. Perhaps we should just sit back and marvel at God’s ways instead.

Context: The prophet Isaiah is speaking here in Chapter 55 about salvation. Interesting to read such things in the Old Testament when we usually associated salvation with what Jesus did on the cross. This chapter is full of great wisdom giving us clues of how to act and respond to God. There are probably a dozen or more memory verses we could pluck from this chapter. You can take a look here. Continue reading “Isaiah 55:8-9 – Is God Hard to Understand?”

1 Chronicles 13:1-14 – Moving the Ark

Read 1 Chronicles 13:1-14

Now that David’s kingdom has been established, it seems one of the first items of business are to bring the Ark of God into the City of David. This was a big deal, and it shows us that David was intent on having God’s presence surrounding him in his kingdom.

As you recall, the Ark is the most sacred object in Israel’s ancient traditions. It was an ornately decorated box containing the tablets of the ten commandments, among other holy items. The Ark was revered for what it represented, the presence of God. Exodus 25:10-22 tells us more detail about the construction of the Ark.

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1 Chronicles 11:10-47 – David’s Inner Circle

Read 1 Chronicles 11:10-47

A smart leader surrounds themselves with devoted people who do a good job, making them look even better. David is a fine example of a wise leader. What a group of men to have by your side!  It’s even more important to have God backing you, and David was also blessed by that.

This text may try to imply that the people of Israel decided David should be king. In truth, it was only because God ordained it. We often do that today when we try to take credit for one of God’s miracles in our life. James 1:17 says it beautifully, “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” How has God surprised you recently with a gift from above?

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Ecclesiastes 8:9-17 – Good versus Evil

Read Ecclesiastes 8:9-17

Solomon’s laments are familiar to us. We have more than likely at some time in our life wondered why the people who lie, cheat, and do wicked things are alive and well, and even prosperous. Yet, our reward for doing good and striving to be more like Jesus has left us being abused by society while stretching every cent to pay the bills.

The evil one’s plan is masterful. He’s trying to make the grass look greener over on the other side, the wicked side. If we are experiencing oppression for our faith or just hearing of others going through such ridicule, the lures of the evil one can be enticing. That’s why it’s so important to stand firmly on the truth of God’s word.

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Nehemiah 5:14-19 – A Godly Example

Read Nehemiah 5:14-19

From being cup bearer to the king of Persia to being named governor of his homeland, Nehemiah has had quite a life. I don’t remember a passage that officially names Nehemiah governor, but certainly his actions reflect a godly governor to be sure. I assume that King Artaxerxes probably named Nehemiah governor over Judah in one of the letters he sent along with Nehemiah on his journey home.

In today’s passage, we see Nehemiah’s example of putting the work of God ahead of his own personal interest. There aren’t many leaders these days who would do what Nehemiah did to move the project along. Today we see a lot of greed and power-hungry leaders who seem to forget about the “little guy.”

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