Read 1 Chronicles 11:10-47
A smart leader surrounds themselves with devoted people who do a good job, making them look even better. David is a fine example of a wise leader. What a group of men to have by your side! It’s even more important to have God backing you, and David was also blessed by that.
This text may try to imply that the people of Israel decided David should be king. In truth, it was only because God ordained it. We often do that today when we try to take credit for one of God’s miracles in our life. James 1:17 says it beautifully, “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” How has God surprised you recently with a gift from above?
The Chronicler did a marvelous job of describing some of the highlights of these mighty men’s escapades. Couldn’t you just imagine the scenes in this text playing out? I’m still trying to figure out how one warrior could kill 300 men with a spear in one battle? I suppose it doesn’t say how many days the battle was raging.
What does this passage say to you? I don’t think many people expect to be warriors in battle. But what about the battles we fight each day against illness, financial woes, loneliness, bullying, weariness, and broken relationships. Thankfully, we can arm ourselves with God’s armor and be ready for anything.
David teaches us (and his men) another valuable lesson with the water incident. I couldn’t believe how those men risked their life for him just because he wanted some of his delicious hometown water! That’s the kind of devotion David wanted them to have for God, not him.
How easy it is for us to be in awe of heroes that inspire us. Shouldn’t our awe be for God and his mighty miracles? Reflect on Psalm 147:5 which says, “How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!” The whole psalm is full of praise, giving honor to God for his wonderfulness.

Let’s pray. Lord you are the mighty ruler of my heart. Thank you for how you are molding me into the person you want me to be. It’s so inspiring to see how you have used your faithful ones over the years to accomplish your will in this world. Continue to fill me with your wisdom as I face new challenges every day. I pray for those around me that they will acknowledge your presence in their life and seek your counsel. Thank you for always being by my side. In Jesus’ name. Amen.