Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On

Read Numbers 10:11-36

Again we have a date of sorts to place the movement of the people. That must have been an exciting day to finally put the instructions God gave Moses into practice. Although the people would be leaving behind what had become “familiar” for two years. Do you think the people were anxious for a change of scenery?

What a sight this must have been to see this huge group of people start dismantling the tabernacle and moving in such orderly fashion! There had to be some grumbling as the people put these instructions to the test, but the text is silent on that. I know from having moved many times in my life, there are always tensions and frustrations that seem to creep in, even when you think you’ve planned and packed efficiently. Continue reading “Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On”

Job 10:1-22 – Why, God?

Read Job 10:1-22

Job’s plea to God continues to seek answers as well as deliverance. So far, God has been silent. In desperation, Job finds himself stuck in darkness. yet he never turns away from God.

Job asks some very direct questions. For instance, Job asks God, “What do you gain by oppressing me?” Despite his lament, Job has the capacity to think the purpose of his pain must benefit someone, maybe even God himself. That’s an interesting query, don’t you think? Continue reading “Job 10:1-22 – Why, God?”

1 Chronicles 13:1-14 – Moving the Ark

Read 1 Chronicles 13:1-14

Now that David’s kingdom has been established, it seems one of the first items of business are to bring the Ark of God into the City of David. This was a big deal, and it shows us that David was intent on having God’s presence surrounding him in his kingdom.

As you recall, the Ark is the most sacred object in Israel’s ancient traditions. It was an ornately decorated box containing the tablets of the ten commandments, among other holy items. The Ark was revered for what it represented, the presence of God. Exodus 25:10-22 tells us more detail about the construction of the Ark.

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 13:1-14 – Moving the Ark”

2 Peter 3:8-13 – God’s Timing

Read 2 Peter 3:8-13

Have you ever heard someone say, “God’s timing is perfect”? I did, just today. It’s a phrase we like to use when God seems slow in answering our prayers. Peter calls out that big old elephant in the room for us. He starts out by explaining that God’s clock works differently than ours. “A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.”

Is that a helpful reminder for you? Are you waiting on God for something big in your life to happen? It seems like we are always waiting for something, whether it’s a job promotion, finding the right house to move into, getting pregnant, getting married, being able to retire and start living life the way you want. What is it for you? When we welcome God and expect him to move in these life events, we can trust he is working out the “best” solution for us. Could that be why one of the gifts of the spirit is “patience”? We must continue to wait.

Continue reading “2 Peter 3:8-13 – God’s Timing”

Habakkuk 2:1-20 – Wide Awake Faith

Read Habakkuk 2:1-20

Two things stuck out to me today. First, how Habakkuk waited faithfully for God to answer. And second, how the oracles in God’s response point to not only what to look for (“what sorrow awaits you”) but also give us wisdom in what behaviors to avoid. As readers, we are encouraged to also be patient.

How are you waiting for God? Do you sit quietly, or do you busy yourself hoping you’ll hear God’s voice through all the noise?

Continue reading “Habakkuk 2:1-20 – Wide Awake Faith”

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