Job 10:1-22 – Why, God?

graphic of question mark with bright pink lights illuminating it against black background

Read Job 10:1-22

Job’s plea to God continues to seek answers as well as deliverance. So far, God has been silent. In desperation, Job finds himself stuck in darkness. yet he never turns away from God.

Job asks some very direct questions. For instance, Job asks God, “What do you gain by oppressing me?” Despite his lament, Job has the capacity to think the purpose of his pain must benefit someone, maybe even God himself. That’s an interesting query, don’t you think?

The whole question of guilt weighs heavy on Job. Our course, punishment comes for evil deed. So Job states, “Although you know I am not guilty, no one can rescue me from your hands.” Job is so sure of his innocence, he assumes God knows it, too. To declare God is the only one who can rescue Job is also a very insightful observation. I don’t think Job meant it to hurt his friends’ feelings.

It’s just that Job is still in awe of God, despite his circumstances. Job shows us his devotion when he returns again to speak of God’s creativity. While Job acknowledges God has made him, he still questions is why along with a bit of a death wish. Having just spent time with my newborn granddaughter, I, too, marvel at God’s handiwork in knitting together the intricate design of our bodies. It’s good for us to call upon the awe we have in our creator to help us get our focus right for the day.

We learn from Job’s example that it’s okay to ask God questions. Our inquiries open up the dialogue God craves from us. Note I said “dialogue.” God wants us to ask, but he also wants us to stick around and wait for the answer. Job is doing a marvelous job of waiting. He has not run the other way or abandoned God. Being patient for God’s timing can be challenging, but oh so rewarding.

When we can witness answered prayer in our lives or in the lives of those around us, it’s electrifying. We know that God is listening and involved in our lives. Our miracles may be small in comparison to some we read about in the Bible, but they are assurance to us that God is in close.

An excerpt of David’s prayer in Psalm 17:6 says, “I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.” David’s prayer in this psalm is beautiful and would be very fitting for Job (and us) to pray when we feel like we need a rescue from God. Take time to read Psalm 17 today.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, I thank you that you are always near, watching over me. I enjoy each conversation we have. I am amazed at how patient you are with all of my questions. Forgive me for my failings and times I have strayed from you. You never lost sight of me, and I am eternally grateful. Give me the patience I need to wait on your timing. Help me to show others your great love and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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