Job 11:1-20 – Zophar is Mean!

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Read Job 11:1-20

Zophar is crude and rude, and I’m surprised Job didn’t send him packing. We want our friends to be truthful, but we hope our friends will try and sugar coat the hard stuff–just a bit. The hard stuff will still be difficult to deal with, such as hurt feelings, empty bank accounts, illness, death of loved ones, etc. There is a time for being blunt and a time to round off the edges, so to speak. Zophar missed that courtesy memo in his upbringing.

This so-called friend, Zophar, is impatient, too. He does not handle his friend’s delicate emotional state well. Some of the things Zophar says to Job are just downright hurtful. Especially when he uses the “what if” scenarios to seemingly “drive the knife in further” in terms of Job’s emotional state.

Zophar insinuates Job cannot be innocent when he confronts Job and commands, “Get rid of your sins, and leave all iniquity behind you.” Zophar then goes on to paint the picture of contentedness if Job would only cleanse his sins. With his approach, Zophar isn’t the best candidate to be spending time with a mourning Job.

Can you think of an example in your own life when a friend just pushed all your buttons and riled up anger or hurt inside you? Maybe it was when you were in a weakened state like Job, or maybe not. The focus here is on friendship and how to show value to your friends. Our “friend” example is Job and Zophar.

Zophar gives us a good case for the kind of friend we don’t want to be. We want to be the type of friend, and surround ourselves with friends, that are not hypocritical. Zophar would not be my friend based on how he is treating Job here. Zophar isn’t trying to help move Job forward. What a good example of losing control during a crisis!

In Zophar’s favor, he does understand God’s wisdom. Zophar declares that God, “knows those who are false, and he takes note of all their sins.” He then drops the ball in his understanding of how God interacts with his people, particularly Job. Zophar doesn’t know what has gone on behind the scenes with God and how Satan had come against Job under God’s watchful eye.

Good friends stick with us whether we are guilty or not. Forgiveness can be like a revolving door between friends. Seeking answers and justice for our friends is another way we support our communities. Job was under attack, and his friends were blinded by his assumed, non-existent guilt. Job is at a loss, too, to fully understand, but I’m sure Job would desire loving support rather than so much rebuke.

Think about ways you can be a better friend to those you are closest to.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, I look forward every day to how you are going to use me. I am also thankful that you fill me with your special food as I am faithful to you. I ask now for the encouragement I need to follow through with what I am to do today. Show me where I can make a difference. Help me to be a better friend to those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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