Job 13:1-19 – Job Decides Something Big

Read Job 13:1-19

This is monumental news. Job is about to take a bold step. He can’t contain his curiosity and burning need to understand why things happen to him. Inquiring minds want to know if there are times we fall short that we aren’t aware of. There are plenty of other little life failures that keep us on our knees.

Job finishes out his rant back to Zophar with this. What do you think Zophar did when he heard Job say, “I know as much as you do. You are no better than I am.” If that was indeed the case, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, than Zophar may have been fearing his own potential for receiving a curse. Could that fear have been playing into Zophar in any way with his remarks to Job? Continue reading “Job 13:1-19 – Job Decides Something Big”

Job 11:1-20 – Zophar is Mean!

Read Job 11:1-20

Zophar is crude and rude, and I’m surprised Job didn’t send him packing. We want our friends to be truthful, but we hope our friends will try and sugar coat the hard stuff–just a bit. The hard stuff will still be difficult to deal with, such as hurt feelings, empty bank accounts, illness, death of loved ones, etc. There is a time for being blunt and a time to round off the edges, so to speak. Zophar missed that courtesy memo in his upbringing.

This so-called friend, Zophar, is impatient, too. He does not handle his friend’s delicate emotional state well. Some of the things Zophar says to Job are just downright hurtful. Especially when he uses the “what if” scenarios to seemingly “drive the knife in further” in terms of Job’s emotional state. Continue reading “Job 11:1-20 – Zophar is Mean!”


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