Job 11:1-20 – Zophar is Mean!

Read Job 11:1-20

Zophar is crude and rude, and I’m surprised Job didn’t send him packing. We want our friends to be truthful, but we hope our friends will try and sugar coat the hard stuff–just a bit. The hard stuff will still be difficult to deal with, such as hurt feelings, empty bank accounts, illness, death of loved ones, etc. There is a time for being blunt and a time to round off the edges, so to speak. Zophar missed that courtesy memo in his upbringing.

This so-called friend, Zophar, is impatient, too. He does not handle his friend’s delicate emotional state well. Some of the things Zophar says to Job are just downright hurtful. Especially when he uses the “what if” scenarios to seemingly “drive the knife in further” in terms of Job’s emotional state. Continue reading “Job 11:1-20 – Zophar is Mean!”

Proverbs 14:1-10 – It’s a Big Deal

Read Proverbs 14:1-10

Proverbs is a great book for life. There are so many nuggets we could easily gloss over. Be sure to spend time really letting these truths speak to your soul. I had to read this passage a couple of times to decide on my focus for the day. Verse 9 says, “Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation.”

Guilt. It’s a slippery slope. It means we’ve done something we feel bad about. For fools, it’s not big deal. For the godly, we recognize it and want to make the situation right. Our guilt will often keep us up at night and distract us from happiness. Rather than guilt, the King James Version says that “Fools make a mock of sin.” I suppose that’s at the root of guilt. Guilt is a by-product of our sinfulness. But not everyone feels that guilt or remorse, they simply brush it off as nothing.

Continue reading “Proverbs 14:1-10 – It’s a Big Deal”

Genesis 2:25-3:25 – It’s Not My Fault!

Read Genesis 2:25-3:25

I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve read this Bible account of the first sin. The sin that forever changed it all. I’m trying to read it with fresh eyes so that new understanding might shine through. How about you? Were there any new revelations that spoke to you?

I like how Satan uses an already “crafty” animal to do his bidding. The serpent or snake, and this one even speaks. Satan uses temptation to lure Eve into his trap. We, too, face temptations every day. The first step is to look. When we see the temptation before us, it is all the harder to turn away and avoid it. So while just seeing the temptation is not a sin, it very soon becomes sin when we take the next step and take it or do it. After all, it “looks good” at first. Then because we feel a little guilty, we get someone else to come along with us down trouble lane. Continue reading “Genesis 2:25-3:25 – It’s Not My Fault!”

Hosea 4:1-19 – Charges Against Us

Read Hosea 4:1-19

In this Chapter we are hearing of God’s case against Israel. If brought to trial, what has Israel done to break God’s law and his heart. How are they destroying themselves like a forest fire devours?

I might take this a step further. What have we done to break God’s law and his heart? I don’t know one person who is sinless (other than Jesus, of course). I know many who would like you to think they are. Really, though, deep down, we are all sinners in need of a Savior. What’s sad are the many people who don’t know what they need. Look at verse 6, My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me.” We are called to help get the word out.

As I read through the charges here against Israel, I couldn’t help but think of our crumbling world today. Something eerie about some of the similarities. Do we need a Hosea to come speak to us? I’m not sure people would listen any better today than they did in Hosea’s day. The job of a prophet was difficult. People pleasers, like me, would never survive being a prophet.

Let’s look at verse 4, “Don’t point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame! My complaint, you priests, is with you.” Sobering. The priests were trying to point fingers! I think many of us can remember our own childhood sibling rivalry, or even in our own children. Imagine standing over a shattered vase of great importance. What child would put up their hand and say, “it was me”. More often fingers get pointed, and blame passed around before the real truth comes out.

If we feel like we are better than others, like the priests must have been thinking, we need to stop. We are not better. We may not even be all that good. But we are good enough. God loves us no matter what we have done, what we are thinking, etc.

God’s love knows no boundaries. That’s a good thing when I think of some of the not so wonderful things I’ve done in my life. I’m sure you’ve got things too, if you were honest with yourself. But those less savory choices have made me who I am today. I learned from those mistakes. God did not waste those hurts at all. Now, if I can turn and help someone else get through their time of trial, I am equipped. I am ready.

Was there a verse in today’s charges that spoke to your heart? Think through how Hosea’s message came alive for you today.

Let’s pray:  Lord, I pray for those who don’t know you. Their lives are crumbling around them and they don’t know it. They don’t know the power you give, the love you pour out, the forgiveness and peace. Lord help me to see with your eyes and help me bring them back to you. Show me how you want to use me. I stand ready, willing and able to be your soldier of peace. Give me wisdom. Thank you for the peace that fills my heart. Thank you for your great sacrifice and what that means for me. You are so welcome in my heart, and I love the joy of having you there. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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