Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On

Read Numbers 10:11-36

Again we have a date of sorts to place the movement of the people. That must have been an exciting day to finally put the instructions God gave Moses into practice. Although the people would be leaving behind what had become “familiar” for two years. Do you think the people were anxious for a change of scenery?

What a sight this must have been to see this huge group of people start dismantling the tabernacle and moving in such orderly fashion! There had to be some grumbling as the people put these instructions to the test, but the text is silent on that. I know from having moved many times in my life, there are always tensions and frustrations that seem to creep in, even when you think you’ve planned and packed efficiently. Continue reading “Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On”


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