Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On

men traveling on camels

Read Numbers 10:11-36

Again we have a date of sorts to place the movement of the people. That must have been an exciting day to finally put the instructions God gave Moses into practice. Although the people would be leaving behind what had become “familiar” for two years. Do you think the people were anxious for a change of scenery?

What a sight this must have been to see this huge group of people start dismantling the tabernacle and moving in such orderly fashion! There had to be some grumbling as the people put these instructions to the test, but the text is silent on that. I know from having moved many times in my life, there are always tensions and frustrations that seem to creep in, even when you think you’ve planned and packed efficiently.

We do hear about Hobab, Moses’ own brother-in-law, and his refusal to join them. Moses tried to persuade him, but it appears he did as he intended and returned to his own home and responsibilities. Hobab is not mentioned again in the narrative of their trek to the Promised Land despite Moses’ generous offer to protect and provide for him.

The LORD never left them. “As they moved on each day, the  cloud of the Lord hovered over them.” There had to be such security in that, knowing their path was being covered in safety by the LORD’s presence. We can move throughout our day with that same assurance, despite the fact we don’t see a cloud over us.

For us today, clouds don’t necessarily make us think about God. Instead, we tend to open our weather app to see if it’s going rain or snow, depending on where we live and what season we’re in.

Living in Mexico, most of our days are sunny, filled with blue skies and very few clouds. But as I write this today, we’re having a very uncharacteristic cloudy day with periods of rain and mist. Oh, how I wish we could send this moisture to our friends and family in the Los Angeles area being devastated by wildfires.

What does this passage say to you? Perhaps you are in a period of upheaval due to a move. Perhaps you are anticipating a move but waiting on God to know where and when, just like the people of Israel had been for two years. For me, I have no intention to move residences any time soon, however, I’m anxious each day to see God moving and figuring out what steps he wants me to take to further his kingdom.

Just as the LORD provided a way for the people of Israel, he will provide for us. Romans 8:25 says, “But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.” Being patient is usually the hardest part. The wisdom of Proverbs 16:3 might help. “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.”

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Your plans for me, LORD, are so much better than I can possibly imagine. Thank you for how you provide for me every day. My heart overflows with gratitude, and yet I still want more of you. I want to understand on a deeper level the meaning of your word, to see each message anew each day. Help me be patient in waiting for you to move and be ready when you say it’s time. May I trust you more and more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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