Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On

Read Numbers 10:11-36

Again we have a date of sorts to place the movement of the people. That must have been an exciting day to finally put the instructions God gave Moses into practice. Although the people would be leaving behind what had become “familiar” for two years. Do you think the people were anxious for a change of scenery?

What a sight this must have been to see this huge group of people start dismantling the tabernacle and moving in such orderly fashion! There had to be some grumbling as the people put these instructions to the test, but the text is silent on that. I know from having moved many times in my life, there are always tensions and frustrations that seem to creep in, even when you think you’ve planned and packed efficiently. Continue reading “Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On”

2 Chronicles 9:1-12 – The Queen’s Visit

Read 2 Chronicles 9:1-12

It sounds as if Solomon hosted the Queen of Sheba with ease and grace. She had come to see for herself how wise and powerful King Solomon actually was. Interesting to imagine how news like that traveled in those days. Solomon didn’t disappoint, either. In fact, the Queen was more impressed that she imagined possible.

The Queen’s land of Sheba (or Saba) would have been on the coast of the Arabian Peninsula in present day Yemen. The Sabeans were known for as trade partners of gold and precious gems with Africa and India. The Queen was not drawn to Solomon to be a trade partner, however. She wanted to be enlightened by his great wisdom.

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2 Chronicles 7:11-22 – The LORD Responds

Read 2 Chronicles 7:11-22

When the LORD himself speaks, we should all listen. Even if this message was to Solomon, as believers the message is also for us. Time and space won’t change the fact God wants our obedience and trust. When you think of it, is that really too much to ask considering all the LORD has done for us?

God speaks of the future without telling Solomon he was painting a picture of their destiny. From the droughts and plagues the LORD promised to send to the destruction of this glorious temple, the LORD laid it out there plainly for Solomon’s benefit.

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1 Chronicles 14:1-17 – God Did It!

Read 1 Chronicles 14:1-17

How many times in your life have you exclaimed, “God did it!” David wasn’t afraid to give credit to God because God had provided answered prayer. This time David didn’t rush ahead without asking God first.

When presented with a problem, David sought the Lord’s advice. This happened twice, and while the victorious outcome was the same, the path to get there was different. David listened to God. There’s a lot of wisdom there. David was a witness to the fact that God did do it!

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Ezra 1:5-11 – When God Stirs

Read Ezra 1:5-11

Those returning from exile to rebuild the temple will not be empty-handed. God continues to stir the people into action. Cyrus, the Persian king, was certainly doing his part to help facilitate the good will called for in his proclamation from our last reading. Isn’t it something that God knew Cyrus by name before he was even born when the prophet, Isaiah, spoke of this moment in history?  (See Isaiah 44:28)

God orchestrates this whole process. How does that make you feel? One minute the people are living their normal lives and the next some are packing up to move back to their homeland. When I think about seventy years, that’s a long time to get comfortable in the land of exile. Those being stirred by God in today’s reading have likely never even seen Jerusalem.

Continue reading “Ezra 1:5-11 – When God Stirs”

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