Read 1 Chronicles 14:1-17
How many times in your life have you exclaimed, “God did it!” David wasn’t afraid to give credit to God because God had provided answered prayer. This time David didn’t rush ahead without asking God first.
When presented with a problem, David sought the Lord’s advice. This happened twice, and while the victorious outcome was the same, the path to get there was different. David listened to God. There’s a lot of wisdom there. David was a witness to the fact that God did do it!
Think of something that happened in the last week that totally amazed you. Was it a sunset? A worship song at just the right time? A smile from a stranger? I’d venture a guess that God had something to do with that very moment. Even now as you reflect on that memory, you feel same peaceful, awe-filled wonder as you did as it was happening.
God did it! You can say it. It’s great to keep an eye out for those “God-sightings.” That’s when and how you see God moving among his people. This passage is brimming with examples of them. We don’t have to dig very far to see those miracles unfolding.
David is in tune with the Lord, and the Lord keeps blessing his way. The whole land was in fear of David’s might because of what God was doing. Can you imagine what it was like to have the amount of power and respect David had after these two battles?
If you’ve ever wondered about the heroes God chose to use in the Bible, David being one of them, it’s usually for their faithfulness. David gives us great examples of his trust in God in this passage. But God can and does use many, and some may not even realize it or give God the credit.
David has a great relationship with God. He asks God for his advice and help with a problem just like he would with a trusted friend. How often do you approach God with that sense of closeness?
Don’t hold back from letting God know exactly what you are going through and how you need his help in navigating. Take time to let him know today.

Let’s pray. Lord, I love seeing you working in the life of David as he navigates the challenges of being king. I sometimes forget that many people perished in those battles you won for David. The world was settling into its current state of power. I long for a day when there will be no more war. While I wait for your return, I want to be like David and always come to you for advice and wisdom first. Help me then to be quiet, waiting to hear your response. In Jesus’ name. Amen.