2 Chronicles 35:20-27 – When God Speaks

Read 2 Chronicles 35:20-27

Another succession of kingly power in Judah, yet we know God is ready to punish Judah. It could happen any day. We’ll have to wait a bit to see that play out. But what can we glean from this reading or the life of King Josiah?

He was a faithful king, until he wasn’t at the end. However, I don’t think that was so much a matter of faith but rather a mistaken assumption. Did Josiah perhaps think that he, or his people, God’s people, were the only one that God would speak to? That would explain a lot if that’s the case. Continue reading “2 Chronicles 35:20-27 – When God Speaks”

2 Chronicles 7:11-22 – The LORD Responds

Read 2 Chronicles 7:11-22

When the LORD himself speaks, we should all listen. Even if this message was to Solomon, as believers the message is also for us. Time and space won’t change the fact God wants our obedience and trust. When you think of it, is that really too much to ask considering all the LORD has done for us?

God speaks of the future without telling Solomon he was painting a picture of their destiny. From the droughts and plagues the LORD promised to send to the destruction of this glorious temple, the LORD laid it out there plainly for Solomon’s benefit.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 7:11-22 – The LORD Responds”

Zephaniah 2:4-15 – I Will Survive

Read Zephaniah 2:4-15

The universal judgment is spelled out in a little more detail here. It is thought that the nations mentioned represent the whole world, each being in a different geographical direction (Egypt/Ethiopian to the south; Assyria to the north; Philistia to the west; and Moab/Ammon to the east.) What did the other nations do? They disrespected their creator. You can’t taunt or insult God or his people without consequence. God will have the final word.

Pride is another divisive quality that God will punish. “They will receive the wages of their pride, for they have scoffed at the people of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Here we see that those people who look down on us for our faith and ridicule our belief system will see consequences. We don’t have to fight that battle; God has our back!

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Amos 3:3-15 – Who is Guilty?

Read Amos 3:3-15

wooden judge's gavel

God found Israel so guilty of sinning he said, “My people have forgotten how to do right.” Do you ever look around at your fellow humans and think the same thing? There is certainly a lot happening in our day that is contrary to God’s will and intention for us.

We are all guilty. We are all sinners. Many will be in denial and try to condone their behavior. The Israelites were very good at doing that as we can see. God is calling them out, but are we not guilty, too, of listening to the world and following popular thought? Is even being tolerant of behavior we know to be sinful a sin?

Continue reading “Amos 3:3-15 – Who is Guilty?”

Exodus 19-20 💚 God’s Top Ten

Read Exodus 19-20

The Ten Commandments with bibles on a black background

Did you already guess our new theme? This week we’ll focus on “Living as God Desires.” How fitting that we would begin with the 10 commandments. We can really sum all of these up into two: Love God and Love Each Other. But there is so much richness in this passage I hope we don’t miss.

God appears as unapproachable, and the people were afraid. And yet, God makes himself available for the purpose of showing his love by setting some safe boundaries for his children. Many people today want to compartmentalize God and say he was a mean God in the Old Testament and a loving God in the New Testament. He’s the same God.

Continue reading “Exodus 19-20 💚 God’s Top Ten”

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