Read Zephaniah 2:4-15
The universal judgment is spelled out in a little more detail here. It is thought that the nations mentioned represent the whole world, each being in a different geographical direction (Egypt/Ethiopian to the south; Assyria to the north; Philistia to the west; and Moab/Ammon to the east.) What did the other nations do? They disrespected their creator. You can’t taunt or insult God or his people without consequence. God will have the final word.
Pride is another divisive quality that God will punish. “They will receive the wages of their pride, for they have scoffed at the people of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Here we see that those people who look down on us for our faith and ridicule our belief system will see consequences. We don’t have to fight that battle; God has our back!
Did you notice a common theme in this oracle? God speaks of the remnant of people that stay true to him. It’s like there is a thread of hope carefully woven into these words. God will give victory and restoration to those who remained faithful. To be included in this remnant you confess in your heart the sovereignty of God and live in humble adoration of the Truth (Jesus).
The days of destruction to come would not be pleasant, and members of the remnant would live through the suffering right along with those nations that will crumble. Yet they will survive.
You may recall the secular “break-up song,” called “I Will Survive.” It has some interesting lyrics that could be applied to the attitude we have as followers of Jesus. Remember we are part of the remnant promised to survive destruction on the day of the Lord. What do you think?
Oh no, not I, I will survive
Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I’ll stay alive
I’ve got all my life to live
And I’ve got all my love to give and I’ll survive
I will survive
Our survival is in Jesus’ hands. We can be confident of that. When we look to Jesus as our model for loving and serving, our reason for living becomes clear. Nothing else matters. Think of the things you will accomplish in this life with Jesus by your side, directing you, inspiring you, and most importantly, loving you. Think about those things today.

Let’s pray. Thank you, Lord, for how you guide my way and give me a reason to live. I strive to be more and more like you everyday in the way I love and see the world. Help me to make an impact in the place where you have led. Fill me with the energy and vision I need to bless you and further your kingdom on earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.