Read 2 Chronicles 7:11-22
When the LORD himself speaks, we should all listen. Even if this message was to Solomon, as believers the message is also for us. Time and space won’t change the fact God wants our obedience and trust. When you think of it, is that really too much to ask considering all the LORD has done for us?
God speaks of the future without telling Solomon he was painting a picture of their destiny. From the droughts and plagues the LORD promised to send to the destruction of this glorious temple, the LORD laid it out there plainly for Solomon’s benefit.
God also reiterates the blessing he promised Solomon’s father, David. “One of your descendants will always rule over Israel.” God is encouraging Solomon and his successors to be faithful like David. Solomon would have lived in David’s kingdom, witnessing for himself David’s devotion to the LORD. It was no secret how David put his trust in God throughout his life. The kings to come will not have had that same role model.
What do you think Solomon struggled with? His kingdom was blessed by God. He had just completed the temple project. God had given him the gift of wisdom. Solomon had it all going for him.
When we please God and find favor with him, it’s the best way to live. Whether you are rich or poor, the LORD provides you with his perfect peace to bloom where you are planted. It’s a miracle how God takes away the desires of our own hearts and replaces it with a desire more in alignment with his perfect will.
We’re not told yet what Solomon did after receiving such a response from the LORD. I can imagine he wanted to leave some legacy or decree that would make sure the people never abandoned God. We know he authored several of the wisdom books in the Bible. Yet Solomon had to know that people were self-centered with a tendency to forget about God. It still happens today, doesn’t it?
The people did forget about God. All the things the LORD had told Solomon would happen did happen. God’s response when it did was to send a Savior, our Jesus.
It’s still possible that God will punish his willful children again. The people the LORD describes to Solomon still live today. We all know people who disregard what the Bible teaches and worship other gods like fame, money, sports, even work. God promises disaster to those who disobey.
We are all guilty of sinning and disobeying. What disasters do you see in your life that may be a warning from God to do something different? In what other ways do you hear from God?

Let’s pray. In the words of Isaiah, “LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.” Thank you for how you still have a hand on my life today. I can look back and see you at work. Help me to be better at obeying you and not needing course corrections all the time. May I fix my eyes on you and you alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.