Read 2 Chronicles 7:1-10
In our last two readings, we’ve had a front row seat to witness Solomon’s praise and prayer. We can almost picture ourselves there amidst the festivities. This reading concludes the dedication of the newly constructed temple. For seven days, the people sacrificed and celebrated the Lord’s presence in the temple along with the Festival of Shelters.
What a high point in the history of God’s people. Clearly, all can recognize God’s hand at work among them. The fire shot down from heaven burning up all the sacrifices was quite spectacular. But witnessing the glorious presence of God filling the temple must have left the people speechless.
Are our imaginations keen enough to visualize such an event? Can we truly understand how huge this week was for God’s people? When we think of the “mountaintop experiences” we’ve had in our own lives, they pale in comparison. However, each time we experience God moving in our lives should be reason for celebration.
Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve been whisked away on one of those grand, Spirit-filled adventures. Are you feeling a little dry, ready for a renewed relationship with your Creator?
If you are reading this blog post in real time, then today is Ash Wednesday–the start of the church year’s season of Lent. In the forty days leading up to Easter, the season of Lent reminds us to focus on what is most important—our relationship with Jesus.
What better time than today to make a promise to yourself and to God to spend more time drawing closer to Jesus. For my Lenten discipline this year to draw closer to Jesus, I’m going to be sharing my reflections on the Book of Revelation on our YouTube channel. Revelation is much different in style and purpose than what the Chronicler has been sharing. But for us Christ-followers, the book of Revelation reveals Jesus to us. That’s what the name means!
God revealed himself to Solomon and the crowds of people, too. How did the people of Solomon’s day respond to seeing the Lord’s presence filling the temple? We’re told, “they fell face down on the ground and worshiped and praised the Lord, saying, ‘He is good! His faithful love endures forever!’” I don’t think I can remember ever falling to the ground like that during worship. Those folks were truly “all-in” in their devotion.
At the end of the temple dedication and celebration of the Festival of Shelters, Solomon sent the people home. Real life would now begin. How would they be changed by their experience of drawing close to God, seeing his presence among them? If only they could stay in this moment. “They were all joyful and glad because the Lord had been so good to David and to Solomon and to his people Israel.”
God is always good. God is always faithful. We can trust in Jesus and rely on his promises. We, too, can be joyful at the thought of what God has done for us. Take that joy with you today.

Let’s pray. Father God, the people who witnessed your presence coming into the temple must have been amazed and left speechless. The splendor of your glory must be a sight to behold. I stand in awe of all you have done and continue to do for your people. Thank you for calling me your child. I am so honored and grateful. May I act in ways that honor you in return. Help me to draw closer to you each day, listening for your voice directing my path. In Jesus’ name. Amen.