Read Habakkuk 2:1-20
Two things stuck out to me today. First, how Habakkuk waited faithfully for God to answer. And second, how the oracles in God’s response point to not only what to look for (“what sorrow awaits you”) but also give us wisdom in what behaviors to avoid. As readers, we are encouraged to also be patient.
How are you waiting for God? Do you sit quietly, or do you busy yourself hoping you’ll hear God’s voice through all the noise?
We learn pretty quickly that Habakkuk’s vision is for “for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.” This is one more glimpse at the end times for us to ponder and reflect on. We may feel like God has been delayed and wonder when he is going to return and fulfill these words.
We have knowledge that Habakkuk and his contemporaries did not. They hadn’t met the Savior. How cool is it that God has planned out the future for his children so completely. How can we not trust him when we see how he has worked in the past?
Some may ask, “is God still working today?” There are plenty of accounts of miracles in our own day. Unfortunately, news of those events doesn’t get much press. In fact, it seems like any “feel good” news, including examples of God moving in our midst, is often left unshared.
We are called to be faithful while we wait. Amidst the struggles and joys of life, we are to keep our eyes on Jesus. How do we live like that? Think of faithfulness as living your life depending on God’s power and guidance.Take a moment to let that sink in.
I know, for much of my life, I was the busy one, even having a hard time finding time to spend with God. I didn’t have a good understanding of what a life of faithfulness really looked like. I went through the motions like most other Christians. There is so much more available to us when we choose Jesus to be #1. Discovering God in his word is the best solution to stay safe in this world.
Verse 14 has a beautiful promise for us. “For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord.” Can you even imagine a day when the earth is filled with the “awareness” of God’s glory? What will that look like? It will certainly be a wake-up call for anybody who hasn’t chosen the road of faith.
Does your faith need to “wake up?” Are you hungry for a deeper walk with Jesus? The Lord is active as he always has been, waiting to nurture you and your “wide awake faith.”

Let’s pray. Lord, open my eyes to see you and how you are working in my life. I thank you that I can come boldly before you, like Habakkuk, and share my concerns and my joys. I give you control of my life and ask that you draw me closer to you. May I be a shining light to others who are looking for what’s missing in their life. You are the missing piece. In Jesus’ name. Amen.