Ezekiel 7:1-13 – The End is Coming

Read Ezekiel 7:1-13

If Chicken Little was in Israel hearing Ezekiel’s words, he would surely be running for his life screaming, “the sky is falling, the sky is falling.” I remember my grandpa reading me that story as a young girl. But the Israelite people didn’t believe it, even though the prophets continued to bring the same message.

In this passage, we see multiple times that the LORD’s fury focuses on the people’s “detestable sins” that will not be tolerated. The Sovereign Lord has spoken, and “no hope remains.” Israel had used up all their “immunity,” and doom was now certain. Yet, God did not want them to be blindsided by what was coming. If only they would listen! Continue reading “Ezekiel 7:1-13 – The End is Coming”

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 – What Brings You Pleasure?

Read Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

In his own words, Solomon said he “had everything a man could desire!” I must admit, the list of things Solomon chased in life while seeking pleasure was quite complete. Most of us will never attain such wealth or the extent of possessions he describes. Why didn’t anything bring him happiness?

It’s easy for us to say, “because you can’t buy happiness.” If we know that to be true, then why do we also seek pleasure in the same way? I don’t think we should be condemned from being happy for having new “toys,” but we need to realize that happiness from those such things will not last forever.

Continue reading “Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 – What Brings You Pleasure?”

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