Ecclesiastes 3:16-22 – Justice for All

Read Ecclesiastes 3:16-22

There is a line in this passage that should be a wake-up call for many. It reads, “In due season God will judge everyone, both good and bad, for all their deeds.” Granted, Solomon was lamenting over corrupt courts, among other things. But his statement rings with truth. Nobody is exempt from God’s justice. We don’t have to worry about all the injustices we see in this world because we know they ultimately don’t matter. God is going to take care of things.

I’ve noted before the tragedy Solomon faced because he didn’t know about the Messiah Jesus. He doesn’t have the hope for eternity we do that keeps us going when we see injustice and abuse of power all around us. We may still find it difficult to truly embrace how God’s power is always in control.

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Jeremiah 12:1-13 – Justice for All

Read Jeremiah 12:1-13

blue square with white dove, standing on a gavel with a leaf in it's mouth

Have you ever caught yourself wondering the same thing Jeremiah questioned God about? Sometimes it’s hard not to compare ourselves to others who have more “stuff” than we do. That’s why God gave us the commandment to be careful with coveting. Yet, I was surprised by Jeremiah’s honest questions before God. “Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy?”

It must have been hard for Jeremiah to look around at all the lavish living going on around him, knowing that those same people were all but snubbing God. He said, “You have planted them, and they have taken root and prospered. Your name is on their lips, but you are far from their hearts.” Jeremiah wanted to know where the justice was. Why do some people seem to have it so easy?

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1 Kings 13:11-34 – Where Is the Justice?

Read 1 Kings 13:11-34

balanced scales of justice

What a story! It is so easy to be deceived these days, yet it’s not a new phenomenon. People were getting duped way back during the Bible time as well. I wonder what possessed the old prophet to lie to the man of God about the meal. The old prophet certainly used his position of authority to build blind trust.

Believing the old prophet, the man of God ate the very same food the Lord had commanded he was not to eat! Up to that moment, the man of God had been very intent on following the Lord’s instructions. He had no reason to doubt the prophet, did he? I certainly hope the meal he shared with the prophet was delicious.

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1 Kings 3:16-28 – What Wisdom!

Read 1 Kings 3:16-28

A sign with the word WISDOM on it, nailed to a tree or pole

This story has always been particularly memorable to me. How Solomon handles this situation is brilliant. Both women are making a case. But when it comes down to it, Solomon knew how to trigger a “mother’s instinct” to protect. He was blessed with wisdom from on high.

Did you find it interesting that the story line twist includes the fact these women were prostitutes? What does the fact, that prostitutes were used as key players in this example of wisdom, say to you? To me, it says, clearly, that God’s justice is for all.

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