Numbers 20:14-21 – Turned Away

Read Numbers 20:14-21

Moses was polite and considerate in asking permission of Edom’s king. I thought the reply back was a little harsh, didn’t you? If the trek was to begin to the Promised Land, the best route would have taken this mass of people through the lands of Edom and Moab. Apparently there was even a “highway” that would make the journey even easier. But the king said, “No way!”

Moses believed they would have had a warmer welcome because they were “relatives.” After all, the Israelites and the Edomites were from the same ethnic background. The Bible stories of Jacob (the Father of Israel) had a brother, Esau, who became the father of Edom. Continue reading “Numbers 20:14-21 – Turned Away”

2 Chronicles 16:1-14 – God’s Attentiveness

Read 2 Chronicles 16:1-14

Now we know why Asa’s peaceful rule abruptly changed in his final years. He didn’t turn to God first. That’s kind of an “oops” moment for me knowing there are plenty of times in my life so far that I’ve trusted worldly advisors first before turning to God. I’m quite sure I’m not alone. How many opportunities have I missed out on because my focus wasn’t right?

King Asa teaches us a great lesson here, one he probably didn’t even see as a teachable moment. Did Asa think that God was always “automatically” going to be with him? I think that’s partly my issue. I forget to ask before I jump because I know God is going to catch me. But why not soar with God instead?

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Lamentations 3:40-66 – Emotional Rollercoaster

Read Lamentations 3:40-66

A rollercoaster of emotions concludes the third lament. I’m sure you can recall a time in your life when you were on that “ride.” The writer wisely suggests the solution is to turn back to God. No matter what we may be going through, the answer is always to invite God into our situation. Yet, the writer’s guilt is clear. He feels unforgiven, unable to imagine God’s mercy.

Is that what stops us from devoting ourselves to God? Do we feel guilty, unworthy of his love? Thankfully, those are feelings we can control. We are indeed guilty of living sinful lives and should acknowledge that. Never forget that despite what we’ve done, we are loved beyond measure by our heavenly Father. Instead of feeling guilty for our blunders in this life, we should focus on how we can do better. For us Christ followers, we need to follow our leader and be more like Jesus!

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Ezra 10 – A Fresh Start

Read Ezra 10

The book of Ezra closes with a plan of cleansing agreed to by the people. Our last reading identified the problem, and we saw Ezra’s response was to earnestly pray. Today’s reading picks up right there with many other people joining Ezra in his lament.

Were you surprised at how easily the people agreed with Ezra? The plan was put in place to remove the pagan spouses from the land to cleanse the land of foreigners who would not share in the devotion to the LORD, respecting his laws and decrees. The purpose of this cleansing was to remove the “poison” of unbelief from spreading.

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Habakkuk 1:5-11 – The Lord Answered

Read Habakkuk 1:5-11

The Lord responds by giving quite a speech! Do you think Habakkuk had a hard time getting past the part about God raising up the Babylonians to destroy. But there is no direct mention of the terror they will bring on Judah.

Do you think Habakkuk “connected the dots” and realized God had heard his lament? God had also seen all the disrespect and evil that was troubling Habakkuk. The cruelty of the Babylonians would soon descend to discipline his own people.

Continue reading “Habakkuk 1:5-11 – The Lord Answered”

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