Luke 2:1-20 – The Birth Story

Read Luke 2:1-20

What a birth story! Any mom will tell you their story of what happened during their pregnancy and delivery. There is something precious and holy about the miracle of life that breaks forth from our bodies. While memory of the pain of childbirth fades, other details are held dear as a precious treasure. There is no greater joy than to see your baby for the first time. Is that what Mary was feeling in this story? Imagine Mary looking at her son, and it was the LORD looking back at her.

This story can become too familiar when we hear it year after year. How do we keep it fresh so that the joy and wonder can be felt afresh each time we read it? We can insert ourselves into the story and imagine we were there as a shepherd or even a barn animal looking on. A different vantage point brings fresh perspective. We can also try to set aside everything we know and read the story as if it’s the first time we heard it. Continue reading “Luke 2:1-20 – The Birth Story”

Mark 16:9-20 – Go!

Read Mark 16:9-20

Bible scholars point out that this passage is not included in the best manuscripts of Mark’s gospel, was not written by Mark, and does not have the same “feel” of the rest of the gospel. However, there is nothing wrong with the message. It appears to be a gathering of details found in other gospels and even the book of Acts. Yet, inquiring minds continue to ponder the inclusion of this ending.

For whatever reason this passage is included in God’s Word, so let’s reflect on the message it brings to us today. We see that (1) the pattern of unbelief when first hearing of Jesus’ resurrection, (2) Jesus makes several appearances and then ascends to heaven, and (3) our call to the mission field is included. All in all, it’s a very nice closure to the gospel giving us the next steps we need to move forward on our own faith journey.

Continue reading “Mark 16:9-20 – Go!”

Colossians 4:2-6 – Live Wise & Pray!

Read Colossians 4:2-6

praying and praising in profile and layers of elements

Praying is something we can do as often as possible and it’s free! It only costs us time, but what better way to spend time than with God? Right? Paul is encouraging the Colossians to pray for themselves and for his ministry.

It was interesting to me that Paul chose to share about being in chains as he closes this letter. Clearly, Paul’s message was not meant to be about himself or his own situation, but to proclaim Jesus and deal with issues facing the young church. Almost as if in passing, he lets them know of the situation keeping him from seeing them in person.

Continue reading “Colossians 4:2-6 – Live Wise & Pray!”

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