Mark 16:9-20 – Go!

Read Mark 16:9-20

Bible scholars point out that this passage is not included in the best manuscripts of Mark’s gospel, was not written by Mark, and does not have the same “feel” of the rest of the gospel. However, there is nothing wrong with the message. It appears to be a gathering of details found in other gospels and even the book of Acts. Yet, inquiring minds continue to ponder the inclusion of this ending.

For whatever reason this passage is included in God’s Word, so let’s reflect on the message it brings to us today. We see that (1) the pattern of unbelief when first hearing of Jesus’ resurrection, (2) Jesus makes several appearances and then ascends to heaven, and (3) our call to the mission field is included. All in all, it’s a very nice closure to the gospel giving us the next steps we need to move forward on our own faith journey.

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1 Timothy 1:12-17 – Whom God Uses

Read 1 Timothy 1:12-17

colorful people figures walking forward following each other

Think for a moment about Paul’s life before his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. What a dramatic difference from what Paul’s life looks like as an apostle of Jesus! If we look at Bible heroes in general, we see how unprepared they were on their own.

God always equips those he calls. There is no greater honor than to be used by God for his purposes. Can you think of some examples in the Bible? The pages of Scripture are full of times we see God using imperfect people for the sake of his mission.

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Jeremiah 10:1-16 – What’s an Idol?

Read Jeremiah 10:1-16

Big gold plated dollar sign with people praying to it

What a description the LORD gives us of idol worship in Jeremiah’s day! Can’t you just picture how easily random pieces of wood became something people worshipped? So much emphasis was also placed on predictions of the stars that people’s minds were clouded from what mattered.

Our reading not only reveals idolatry for what it is in God’s eyes, but it reminds us who is sovereign and what we can do to help people who are misled by idols. It does us good to strengthen our own devotion to read Jeremiah’s words mixed in with God’s messages.

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1 Peter 3:13-22 – Integrity

Read 1 Peter 3:13-22

There is so much emphasis in our culture to be “number one”,  have success, “go with the flow,” and certainly don’t offend anyone by being “politically incorrect.”  Many times, to do these things would require us to set aside our morals and beliefs.

Some people do that blindly to fit in or be accepted. To “sell your soul to the devil” so to speak has its consequences. In today’s reading, we are reminded that suffering will come. We are not promised a problem-free life. Verse 17 says, “Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!”  Continue reading “1 Peter 3:13-22 – Integrity”


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