Mark 9:38-41 – Using the Name of Jesus

Read Mark 9:38-41

We see another misunderstanding here on the part of the disciples. They may have been part of Jesus’ “inner circle” of followers, but they were not the only ones Jesus would use to benefit the kingdom. This was a teachable moment for them in that regard.

I imagine they were a bit surprised, and even put off, that someone outside their little band of followers would be casting out demons in Jesus’ name. But their exasperation was not that this man was using Jesus’ name so much as that this charismatic prophet was not in “their group.”

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1 Timothy 1:12-17 – Whom God Uses

Read 1 Timothy 1:12-17

colorful people figures walking forward following each other

Think for a moment about Paul’s life before his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. What a dramatic difference from what Paul’s life looks like as an apostle of Jesus! If we look at Bible heroes in general, we see how unprepared they were on their own.

God always equips those he calls. There is no greater honor than to be used by God for his purposes. Can you think of some examples in the Bible? The pages of Scripture are full of times we see God using imperfect people for the sake of his mission.

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