Numbers 12:1-16 – Disappointing God

Read Numbers 12:1-16

We learned some things about Moses we may have forgotten. He was humble, and God liked that. Matthew 5:5 says, “God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.” And there was some serious sibling rivalry going on which sparked anger in the LORD. Who should dare to question Moses, the LORD’s favorite and most trusted one?

This text gives us a sneak peek into Moses’ personal family situation and how God responded. Even though this family consisted of Moses, the one God speaks to, Aaron, the one called as a priestly leader, and their sister, Miriam, also used by God, they had problems, too. Why did God call these three to the Tabernacle? God clearly wasn’t pleased with them. Continue reading “Numbers 12:1-16 – Disappointing God”

Daniel 6:1-18 – Daniel Meets the Lions

Read Daniel 6:1-18

If you’re like me, when you think of the prophet Daniel you can’t help but think of lions. It’s a story we’ve been hearing since we were kids in Sunday School (if you were blessed like me to have that background). We can only imagine what Daniel’s encounter was like with the lions after being sealed into their den. Daniel’s example for us never gets old.

However, the first half of the story sets up the situation Daniel found himself in. Maybe you can relate?  Have you ever made someone else jealous? Maybe it was your cute shoes, or your athletic ability, or being the teacher’s pet for your good grades. Jealousy, when it’s out of control, can lead people to do some pretty hurtful things. Continue reading “Daniel 6:1-18 – Daniel Meets the Lions”

Nahum 1:1-11 – The Sides of God

Read Nahum 1:1-11

The book of Nahum is only three chapters long, and it’s one of the minor prophets that doesn’t get a lot of attention by church leadership when planning worship services! While we may encounter some harsh language, we need to keep in mind that Nahum was prophesying to a stubborn group of people who were refusing to repent.

Historically, Nahum’s focus is on Nineveh, and we’ll see the prediction and celebration of Nineveh’s demise. Nineveh was the center of the Assyrian empire, and the Assyrians had been used by God to bring Israel to its knees for their own rebellion and sinfulness. We encountered Nineveh before in the book of Jonah.

Continue reading “Nahum 1:1-11 – The Sides of God”

James 3:13-18 – True Wisdom

Read James 3:13-18

We can tell a lot about James’ audience by what he teaches them. It seems they may have had a lot of similar faults to people we may recognize. Jealousy, selfishness, boasting, and lying are not uncommon in our culture today and might even be running rampant. What does James say about that? “Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic.”

Take a moment to let that sink in. Demonic. It makes sense. Those attributes are certainly distasteful when you have experienced the Holy Spirit living inside you. James warns us to stay away from such things, for in them evil resides. Clearly his readers are having a hard time trading in their worldly habits and ideas in exchange for God’s viewpoint.  Thankfully, James gives us a solution.

Continue reading “James 3:13-18 – True Wisdom”

2 Samuel 20:3-13 – Jealousy?

Read 2 Samuel 20:3-13

Picture of a heart with 3 people pictured inside, 2 apparently in love, and a 3rd feeling left out

You can’t read this account and not wonder why Joab is still free to kill whoever gets in his way. You’ll recall that David replaced Joab with Amasa. What fuels Joab’s anger? Is it jealousy?

In this case, it certainly could be. Amasa had taken his place beside the king. But Amasa was his cousin! Shouldn’t Joab have showed some mercy? Amasa was even on a different mission than Joab. This isn’t the first time Joab acted with such ruthlessness that a life was lost.

Continue reading “2 Samuel 20:3-13 – Jealousy?”

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