Read Daniel 6:1-18
If you’re like me, when you think of the prophet Daniel you can’t help but think of lions. It’s a story we’ve been hearing since we were kids in Sunday School (if you were blessed like me to have that background). We can only imagine what Daniel’s encounter was like with the lions after being sealed into their den. Daniel’s example for us never gets old.
However, the first half of the story sets up the situation Daniel found himself in. Maybe you can relate? Have you ever made someone else jealous? Maybe it was your cute shoes, or your athletic ability, or being the teacher’s pet for your good grades. Jealousy, when it’s out of control, can lead people to do some pretty hurtful things.
We see a prime example of that in today’s reading. Daniel’s contemporaries in the king’s court had a hard time watching Daniel, merely a captive, have success. When they tried to smear his character, they could find nothing. Little did they know that the fault they came up with, his religious devotion, is not a fault at all, only a strength.
I sometimes think of my faithfulness as a secret weapon. While I don’t “hide” my faith in Jesus, there are still people that have no idea what makes me smile like I do. If they ask, I certainly tell them it’s all because of Jesus. When we let ourselves trust in the power of God to guide us in life, we tap into God’s limitless power. Why wouldn’t we want to do that?
Daniel didn’t let the king’s new law deter him from praying. In fact, that was what the devious, jealous leaders were hoping and expecting. They could catch Daniel breaking the law, sending him to his death at last. I feel sorry for these men and their logic, but they just didn’t understand about Daniel’s “secret weapon” of faith in the one true God.
In our next reading, we’ll hear how this story plays out. For today, focus on the devotion Daniel displays. He never stops worshiping God, even when his life was in danger. Can you say with certainty that placed in the same situation you would still pray?
That’s a grand question to wrestle with today. For a more “present day” example, I think of Cassie Bernall and Rachel Scott at Columbine High back in April 1999. When Cassie was asked about her faith and if she believed in God, she stood strong knowing she would likely lose her life for it. That’s bold faith!
How bold is your faith?
Let’s pray. Lord, you are so mighty and wise. It’s hard for me to imagine not being like Daniel and choosing you in a tough situation. I pray my faith is bold and never put to the test like that. Help me to represent you well in this world. Use me to be encouraging to others as I point them toward you. I pray you’ll reveal to me who is ready to hear your message and who simply needs to be nurtured in their faith. Draw me closer to you so I will be strengthened in my mission. Fill me up when I feel unworthy of such an assignment. I need you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.