Daniel 6:1-18 – Daniel Meets the Lions

Read Daniel 6:1-18

If you’re like me, when you think of the prophet Daniel you can’t help but think of lions. It’s a story we’ve been hearing since we were kids in Sunday School (if you were blessed like me to have that background). We can only imagine what Daniel’s encounter was like with the lions after being sealed into their den. Daniel’s example for us never gets old.

However, the first half of the story sets up the situation Daniel found himself in. Maybe you can relate?  Have you ever made someone else jealous? Maybe it was your cute shoes, or your athletic ability, or being the teacher’s pet for your good grades. Jealousy, when it’s out of control, can lead people to do some pretty hurtful things. Continue reading “Daniel 6:1-18 – Daniel Meets the Lions”


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