Number 6:1-21 – What’s a Nazirite?

Read Numbers 6:1-21

According to our text, a Nazirite is someone who takes a special vow, “setting themselves apart to the Lord in a special way.”  So long as they keep their vow intact, they are given certain requirements of things they can and can’t do, including food and drink.

While the requirements are not at all “undoable,” they would require certain behaviors to change making the vow harder to keep for some than others. Especially hard would be times of mourning at the loss of a family member. Continue reading “Number 6:1-21 – What’s a Nazirite?”

Leviticus 8:1-36 – Chosen by God

Read Leviticus 8:1-36

Moses listened to God’s instructions and inducted Aaron and Aaron’s sons as priests properly before the LORD. This ritual is an act of God. What a process! Moses touched on the ordination offering requirements just a bit back in Chapter 6. Here, we have a front row seat to watch the ceremony take place. You may recall God gave Moses the instructions in Exodus 29.

Moses was clearly in a place of honor that day as he installed his brother, Aaron, and his nephews into the holy position of priest. Little did Aaron know when he helped his brother lead the people out of Egypt what his future would hold and how God would use him. If Aaron was feeling at all unworthy, the ordination process was meant to cleanse, as verse 34 says, “Everything we have done today was commanded by the Lord in order to purify you, making you right with him.” Aaron, along with his brother Moses, forever changed the lives and futures of the Israelite people. Continue reading “Leviticus 8:1-36 – Chosen by God”

Daniel 1:17-21 – What’s Your Superpower?

Read Daniel 1:17-21

While it’s not my intent to go off on a tangent about the spiritual gifts God gives to us, it does apply when we think about our own superpower. That power is fueled by the same source for each of us, the Holy Spirit.

Daniel didn’t know the Holy Spirit yet, but he must have wondered how he and three other men had been given such favor from God. That favor then resulted in approval from man, too. You don’t have the respect and trust of leadership without being special. Daniel was indeed that. Continue reading “Daniel 1:17-21 – What’s Your Superpower?”

1 Chronicles 25:1-31 – Musicians’ Duties

Read 1 Chronicles 25:1-31

This was a fun passage for me to read being a musician involved in worship ministry for much of my adult life. You don’t have to be a musician to appreciate David’s intentions. He wanted the house of God to be filled with music! And most of our churches still today use music of one sort or another to accompany times of worship.

When I imagine the sound of these instruments, lyre, cymbals, and harp, it’s an interesting sound. I think of two of the instruments as more mellow sounding, and then comes the crash of the cymbals for effect. I wonder what those instruments were like back in David’s day.

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 25:1-31 – Musicians’ Duties”

1 Chronicles 24:1-31 – What Priests Do

Read 1 Chronicles 24:1-31

David continues to make an impact for future generations by instituting more details regarding worship and who does what. I remember the days in ministry when we would create job descriptions for each of our positions. That’s exactly what David is doing here, but he’s taking it a step further. David is identifying the players who will be the first to follow these precepts.

Have you ever been part of a ministry team at your church? Then you can appreciate David’s mission. He is taking away any question about expectations. A ministry team will always be more efficient if the goals and intentions are clear. It appears David remains strong and confident despite the fact his reign is coming to an end. He is bound and determined to set Solomon up for success.

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 24:1-31 – What Priests Do”

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