The ordination process these days looks a lot different. I guess you could say, a lot simpler. But God was totally serious about making sure Aaron and his sons, as well as those, to come after, realized the honor and privilege to be chosen as priests. They were the first and would pave the way for those to come.
I was amazed by the detail and all the blood. What struck you about the whole process? The fact that it is a process was another interesting fact to me. Why did God make it so elaborate? It would obviously take some time to arrange and execute. The priests were people God was going to use for great things. They needed to be consecrated and ordained before they were ready for service.
The text doesn’t say clearly that this process must be a rinse and repeat kind of thing. Yet, we read “for generations to come” and “Aaron’s sacred garments will belong to his descendants so that they can be anointed and ordained in them.”
I’ve found these chapters of Exodus very interesting. They have given us the background to the traditions that God put in place for his people. I’ve always like knowing the history of places and traditions. When traditions get left behind, it’s still good to know they came from. It can also be helpful to know why they no longer exist.
What traditions do you hold dear? Do you wonder where some of them started? One tradition we need to focus on is to love God with our whole heart.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for watching out for us and wanting to spend time with us. Forgive me when I get busy and don’t give you my full attention. You are amazing at loving me despite my weaknesses. Use me for your purpose today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.