Have you ever burned incense? I remember it was a big deal to do so in college. We all wanted our dorm rooms to have a cozy smell or something. I hadn’t thought about incense until recently I saw some at a store I frequently shop at in Mexico. Then, when we were unpacking, I found an incense burner and some incense. I’m not sure where it came from. And then, today’s reading is about incense.
Is it a coincidence? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with the incense. I know we have folks in our congregation who have a sensitivity to smells. Burning incense might cause some issues. But there again, these verses weren’t for me, were they?
I don’t know how many times I’ve read this over listening for God to speak to me. I’m not sure of the message. In addition to the incense (which is familiar to me), today’s reading talks about a ransom of money, a basin for washing, and special anointing oils. How is this speaking to you?
When I think of paying the Lord a ransom for my life, I feel like that has already been done. My Lord Jesus paid the price for me. His sacrifice for me cleansed me of my sin and bought me a place in eternity with him. I believe that with my whole heart. There is nothing I could pay that would be more valuable than that. To simply believe and acknowledge his love, his sacrifice for me, is what we need to do.
When it comes to the basin, I’m a little less clear. We don’t want to come to the Lord with stains, and certainly, when we minister to others we need to be clean. The basin we have in place is in the bathroom. It’s nothing special. So what do we need to do to be clean? We first have to acknowledge how sinful and “dirty” we are. Before you can be clean, you have to realize how messy you are.
We are all messy. Our lives are complicated. We need Jesus. There was a fun song I used to teach the kids called Squeaky Clean. It went something like this. “Squeaky Clean in Jesus Christ. All my sins are washed away. Squeaky Clean in Jesus Christ, my sins are washed away.” I think there were other verses, but the refrain is what comes to me. Simple, yet true. We do need Jesus to be ready to serve. We can’t do it without him.
What do you think about this — the basin is our baptismal fount? We are cleansed through the waters of baptism. This is a sacrament that purifies us as we enter God’s family. We are blessed by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Finally, we have the oils. So many of my friends and business partners are involved with selling oils. The oils for anointing are different. They are holy. They are meant for blessing. Our friend, Earl, recently left some anointing oils for us at church. After reading today’s lesson, I’m going to be super protective of the oils we have. They are precious. They are for a purpose, and I want to make sure we use them in a way that will honor God and be a blessing.
How perfect is God’s timing? His word is always alive. We may never understand how it works. We simply need to be ready to listen and obey. While I say “simply”, it may be the hardest thing you do. Listening is an art. Listening for God takes discipline. We need to empty ourselves of our own thoughts, desires, dreams, and aspirations. Like an empty vessel, we approach God with a willingness and an openness to being used by him. It’s a fragile moment. Be ready to listen.

Let’s pray. Lord, I know you are always there waiting for me to listen. Help me to be obedient and open to your leading. Help me have discerning ears to know your voice above the noise. Refresh and renew me for your service. In Jesus’ name. Amen.