1 Chronicles 11:1-9 – David Becomes King

Read 1 Chronicles 11:1-9

David wasn’t just in the right place at the right time, he was chosen by God. The Chronicler doesn’t repeat the story told in 1 Samuel 16. So, David knew he was to be king years before Saul died. While waiting for God’s timing, David became very popular as a victorious army leader.

From the start, the people recognized God was moving, and David was following God. That kind of leadership must have looked a lot different than what the people were used to seeing of Saul. It was there at Hebron that David’s reign began, and the people were behind him. What a great way to start!

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Ecclesiastes 8:2-8 – Obedience

Read Ecclesiastes 8:2-8

Who do you obey? Solomon was the third of Israel’s kings, and he would counsel us to obey the king. Does that tell us that people were unruly and not respectful in his day? When I read these words, I thought immediately of King Jesus because that’s who I obey. I don’t think Solomon was referring to God here, however.

For now, I’m going to focus my reflection on obedience to our reigning king, Jesus. He is certainly “backed by great power.” God’s power is without limit. Solomon speaks of death, too, and that segues nicely when we think of the power that raised Jesus from the dead.

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Zechariah 4:1-14 – A Lampstand and Two Olive Trees

Read Zechariah 4:1-14

You’re not alone if this fifth vision of Zechariah left you perplexed. It’s not only strange but hard to understand. I’m hoping we can unpack it a little and let the Holy Spirit speak to our hearts the intended message for our reflection. Even the angel’s explanation left me scratching my head.

It helps to remember that this section of the book is focusing on who is leading those exiled people now returning to Jerusalem. This vision points to the new governor, and kingly descendent, Zerubbabel. You may recall Haggai mentions Zerubbabel—now it’s Zechariah’s turn to shine the light on the leader God had chosen.

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1 Peter 4:12-19 – Doom and Bloom

Read 1 Peter 4:12-19

I assume Peter is talking about Jesus’ glorious return and our everlasting life with him when he describes, “seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.” But I got a little glimpse of that “glory” this week. Anytime we see God move in our midst or help us in our struggles, we get a peek into the glory of God.

We know the joy that bubbles up inside us when we see God’s hand at work in our lives or community. Peter encourages us to persevere despite the unpleasant situations we face in life. It really resonated with me in a fresh way when I read Peter’s words, “for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering.” Take a moment to let that truth sink in. Partners with Christ. Partners.

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Joel 2:28-32 – Holy Spirit Power

Read Joel 2:28-32

Did you recognize these words from Peter’s first sermon on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2? Peter was bold that day because of the Holy’s spirit’s power he was tapping into. He proclaimed that what the people were seeing was a fulfillment of this very prophecy of Joel. It has been suggested that Pentecost was only the beginning of the “age of fulfillment” of this prophecy.

What spoke to me the loudest was that God promised us the Holy Spirit through his prophet, Joel, all those years before Jesus walked the earth. Jesus helped us understand what that promise meant. When you feel the Holy Spirit’s power coursing through your body, it’s a sensation that is hard to describe. What an honor to receive such a gift from God!

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