John 12:1-8 – Extravagant Worship

Read John 12:1-8

We are approaching the beginning of Holy Week 2023. During this time every year, we remember the sacrifice and miracle that took place because of how much God loves us. Beginning with Palm Sunday, we’ll walk together with Luke and the other gospel writers through some of the events of Jesus’ last week. It’s our special time to reflect on the immense sacrifice Jesus made to pay for our freedom from sin and death.

Our reading today sets the scene for what is to come and challenges us in our own worship practices. The Passover celebration was about to start, and little did the folks attending this dinner party know these were Jesus’ final days. Jesus knew, and his startling words about his burial must have shocked his friends.

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1 Timothy 6:17-21 – Guard What God Entrusts

Read 1 Timothy 6:17-21

hands holding a nicely wrapped gift

Paul’s parting words to close out his first letter to Timothy share great wisdom. While he is using the example of a rich person, I realize not everybody has great riches. In fact, there is more poverty in this world than wealth. If you have healthy bank accounts, Paul’s message should surely resonate with you!

Several readings ago, Paul spoke of being careful of the evil money can evoke. It’s not the money that is evil, it can be used for good. So, Paul encourages Timothy, “Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others.” We have all known very generous people, but also seen those who keep all their wealth to themselves.

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1 Timothy 4:6-16 – A Mentor’s Advice

Read 1 Timothy 4:6-16

two men in conversation

What a great mentor Paul is to Timothy. We can glean wisdom from his letter to apply to our own life of faith. We, too, are called to share with others about what Jesus has done. It’s our job to help others find their way back into God’s loving arms. We certainly cherish what it is like being secure in our relationship with God. That’s certainly good news to share with others.

What does it mean to you to be faithful? While Paul sets a marvelous example himself, he wants to help us (and Timothy) succeed as well. These golden nuggets of truth nearly jumped off the page as I read today. Not only will these make us better followers of Jesus but better human beings in and out of a church setting:

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1 Corinthians 14:26-40 – Unity in the Community

Read 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

unity in community

There are some troubling words in today’s reading—especially for the ladies! We’ll ponder all that, but it seems Paul is still trying to keep the church community in alignment with God’s desire for unity. By setting parameters and expectations for worship, Paul is helping the growing congregation from being a chaotic hot mess trying to do it all!

Paul includes some pretty specific guidelines for the use of spiritual gifts as well. We can all agree that it appears our gifts should work to nurture and bless the congregation. When you look around at your church friends, do you see how God has gifted them each differently? Is everyone using their gifts?

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1 Corinthians 14:1-25 – What Gift Is Best?

Read 1 Corinthians 14:1-25

dove flying above an open Bible with light coming from God's word

Paul has been explaining to the Corinthians about spiritual gifts, and he showcases two in this reading: tongues and prophecy. Remember, choosing our gifts is not up to us. The Holy Spirit oversees that and will select the appropriate gift for each of us. We can certainly pray for gifts we hope for, but we may not always get what we want.

I have known people in my life with these gifts. I’ve experienced hearing people praying in tongues and have always been mesmerized by that, wishing I had the gift of interpretation to understand what the Spirit was saying. Wouldn’t it be cool to know what the Holy Spirit found important to pray about? Those must be some very powerful prayers!

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