Matthew 3:1-12 – Prepare the Way

Read Matthew 3:1-12

John the Baptist was an interesting fellow who took his job very seriously. Not many of us can claim that the prophet Isaiah spoke about us. John’s purpose in life was planned by God for many years. He was to prepare the way for Jesus first coming. What an honor!

Do you ever wonder who God is planning to use to prepare the way for Jesus’ second coming? You might want to look in the mirror. While we’ll find out one day if God has in mind just one individual to stand out like John did with his less than “normal” ways. For now, we can be sure God is counting on us to welcome people into his family by introduction and our loving example. Continue reading “Matthew 3:1-12 – Prepare the Way”

Ezekiel 27:26-36 – Missing the Happy Ending

Read Ezekiel 27:26-36

After our last reading almost applauded the seaport of Tyre, we see the true fate of this key city. This message of God’s doom for Tyre comes in the form of a poem or song of lament. The people of Tyre missed out on their happy ending.

The perspective of these observations comes from outsiders looking in. What do they see? Signs that a bustling city has been destroyed and has vanished. I think of how storm surges these days level cities so that only foundations remain. Evidence that life once thrived in this place. Continue reading “Ezekiel 27:26-36 – Missing the Happy Ending”

Daniel 4:1-18 – Dreaming of a Tree

Read Daniel 4:1-18

A second dream! I suppose when you’re good at something that glorifies God you talk about it. We get the first part of the story here, but our next reading will be the big reveal. For now, we’re wondering how it will all play out.

This whole story being told by King Nebuchadnezzar is quite the proclamation! As far as was the king’s reach, people were hearing about the Most High God. “How great are his signs, how powerful his wonders! His kingdom will last forever, his rule through all generations.” How do you think Daniel and his friends reacted to such a public display? Continue reading “Daniel 4:1-18 – Dreaming of a Tree”

2 Chronicles 32:1-8 – All Hands on Deck

Read 2 Chronicles 32:1-8

If you were wondering whether King Hezekiah could do no wrong, what’s the answer now? Even under the pressure of attack or threat of one, the King was encouraging the rest of his followers to have faith in God. That’s a rather bold move from a faith standpoint. For Hezekiah, he seemed fearless because of his unfailing confidence in God’s provision. I’m not necessarily feeling fearless these days. Hezekiah gets it right!

In Hezekiah’s own words to encourage his people, he said this about the opposition. “He may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!” Can you imagine what it was like to have such words of faith coming from your ruling king? Imagine! And the uplifting message giving hope. We all face battles in our lives every day. How much different they look when we let Jesus lead us. Continue reading “2 Chronicles 32:1-8 – All Hands on Deck”

Lamentations 3:25-39 – Hope in Despair

Read Lamentations 3:25-39

This section of the third lament begins with hope rather than despair. The author wants the people to understand the hope that comes from depending on God. Clearly, living through the destruction of Jerusalem and watching loved ones die or be taken away was a brutal reality. Hard times are so much more devastating when we don’t rely on God.

This passage speaks of submitting to the “yoke of his discipline.” That is, we are to come willingly to God, accepting his discipline as a way of teaching us something. Have you ever thought that everything that happens to us in life has a purpose? The author encourages readers to accept what was happening and learn from it.

Continue reading “Lamentations 3:25-39 – Hope in Despair”

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