Mark 8:27-30 – Peter Gets It Right

Read Mark 8:27-30

If you had to respond to Jesus that day on the road outside Galilee, how would you describe Jesus? Now think about how you would introduce Jesus to your friends.

I’ve always perplexed over the disciples’ response that some say Jesus was John the Baptist. Followers of John would have heard the message that someone else was coming, far greater than John himself. In fact, it was John’s job to prepare the way for Jesus, not himself.

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John 1:2-8 – Preparing the Way

Read Mark 1:2-8

Don’t you love it when you see Scripture texts pointing to each other?  Of course, there are many Old Testament prophecies that reveal pieces of Jesus’ character. But today’s reading reminds us that the prophet Isaiah spoke of John the Baptist. God already knew that the world would need special preparation to receive his Son, Jesus.

John sounds like an interesting fellow. We know from other gospels that he was born to older parents who had not been able to have children, until God’s perfect timing allowed his mother Elizabeth to get pregnant. Trusting God’s timing always has marvelous results.

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Malachi 4:1-6 – Judgment Day

Read Malachi 4:1-6

This is the last chapter of the Old Testament. That fact alone gives me goosebumps as I write this reflection. There will be a huge gap of time (400 years or so) between this writing and the New Testament. The people would have to wait a long time to see some of these prophecies fulfilled.

This prophecy would have given the faithful hope for the future. Like today, there were those obedient to God and his decrees in Malachi’s day. The unfaithful probably turned the other way and ignored Malachi altogether, in denial of their coming peril. People still refuse to listen to God’s word. This prophecy is no exception.

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Malachi 3:1-5 – Judgment Day is Coming

Read Malachi 3:1-5

This is often a text used during Advent in churches following the lectionary who prepare for Jesus’ coming around Christmas. As I read this, I pictured John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus’ ministry. People hearing Malachi’s message would surely imagine Jesus in a different way.

The people first hearing Malachi’s words were far from faithful. They had started to believe that God didn’t care about them anymore. Their sin was total indifference to God, ignoring the covenant relationship that had existed for generations. The intimate relationship God craves with his children was non-existent in those days. Do we see that kind of intimacy today?

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Mark 1:2-15 – Meet Jesus

Read Mark 1:2-15

The Gospel of Mark doesn’t start at the beginning of Jesus’ earthly life with his birth, as other gospels do, but instead with the birth of his ministry life. The opening scene introduces us to John the Baptist with a brief backstory to set the stage.

This is prophecy fulfilled! John was the one given an important job to do. Jesus didn’t just appear; John prepared the way in the hearts of the people. The people knew they needed to repent and sought God’s forgiveness. Mark goes out of his way here to draw attention to the work John was doing to bring people to a new relationship with God by repenting of their sins.

John wasn’t a sleek, well-dressed preacher creating a buzz, but he was nonetheless drawing crowds of people to hear God’s message. And then appears Jesus. The very person John had been preaching about. “Someone is coming soon who is greater than I am—so much greater that I’m not even worthy to stoop down like a slave and untie the straps of his sandals. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!”

How do you think John felt when he looked up and saw Jesus?

How would you feel if you looked up at this moment and saw Jesus standing in your doorway?

What I wouldn’t give to be on the banks of the Jordan River that day. God revealed himself. He was pleased with Jesus, his Son. Think of the emotions John was feeling. How about Jesus as he was about to begin the journey he came to earth for? Invigorated? Humbled?

The rest of today’s reading goes by like a flash, until John is arrested. Jesus took the baton, as it were, and we’ll walk with him over the next days in our reading of this Gospel.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you that you loved us so much. You sent Jesus to live and die for us. As we walk through the Book of Mark, please reveal yourself to us in a new and fresh way. Whether we’ve read these stories many times, or this is our first time, speak to our hearts. Thank you for what you provided. Thank you for the freedom you have given me and the tools I have to share with others. You have called us to spread the good news to the ends of the earth. May we be ready for the challenge as John was ready to prepare the way for Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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