Read Mark 1:2-8
Don’t you love it when you see Scripture texts pointing to each other? Of course, there are many Old Testament prophecies that reveal pieces of Jesus’ character. But today’s reading reminds us that the prophet Isaiah spoke of John the Baptist. God already knew that the world would need special preparation to receive his Son, Jesus.
John sounds like an interesting fellow. We know from other gospels that he was born to older parents who had not been able to have children, until God’s perfect timing allowed his mother Elizabeth to get pregnant. Trusting God’s timing always has marvelous results.
Our text today introduces John preaching in the wilderness, just like he was “supposed to,” according to the prophecy. Do you think John realized he was the one Isaiah spoke of and that living his life like that fulfilled prophecy? John’s lifestyle may seem unconventional, even to us today, but I applaud his faithfulness.
Do you know anybody living in the wild, feasting on bugs, and proclaiming the gospel? I certainly don’t. But I’m so glad that John didn’t let people, or his own self-limiting beliefs, stop him from the mission God had given him. He was all in for God. We often let appearances stop us from being exuberant for God, do we not?
John’s mission was to encourage the people to repent and be ready for Jesus. The text tells us that “all” the people of Jerusalem went out to hear him preach. That’s a lot of people! What’s the message they heard? “John announced: “Someone is coming soon who is greater than I am—so much greater that I’m not even worthy to stoop down like a slave and untie the straps of his sandals.” What do you think all the people thought about that? Did they picture their Messiah coming to save them from the oppression of Roman rule? If they did, they had to be perplexed when John told them what Jesus would do.
“I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!” What was this Holy Spirit business? What was their understanding of that? There are references to the spirit of God in the Old Testament writings, and even certain heroes of faith encountered that spirit. Jesus would open people eyes to a whole new way of thinking about God. John’s preparation was more than necessary!
How do you prepare people to hear the good news about Jesus? Do you just blurt out your faith story or do you work up to it gradually, so the focus is always on what Jesus has done? Can you remember the first time someone told you about Jesus? How did that play out?
If you’re like me, you have been hearing about Jesus since you were a young child. You can’t imagine a world without Jesus. God knew that those who did not know would need to be prepared. Think about who you need to tell about Jesus and then ask God to help you prepare them to hear.

Let’s pray. I am so grateful, Lord, for how you worked in the life of John the Baptist to share the good news about Jesus. He was the perfect one to proclaim and prepare. Help me to be instrumental in telling people about Jesus. Continue to empower me in my walk with you as I share your love with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.